Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a rising epidemic worldwide and poses a significant public health challenge. GDM adversely affects women’s emotional well-being, health outcomes including future development of Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and infant health such as preeclampsia, mortality, and heightened risks for diabetes and other metabolic issues. A mindfulness-based intervention approach, coupled with internet delivery, may offer an innovative and scalable approach to support women with GDM in reducing stress, improving well-being, enhancing glycemic control and promoting health. We propose to adapt mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), an empirically-supported intervention that has shown promising results among patients with general Type II diabetes, in the context of GDM management and maternal health promotion. Following adaptation for content and internet-based delivery, we will pilot test the developed intervention among women newly diagnosed with GDM to assess the intervention’s feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary pre-post efficacy. Findings from the current trial will inform the successful design and implementation of a future, fully-powered randomized controlled trial. If proven to be feasible and efficacious, internet-based, tailored mindfulness intervention may offer a scalable approach to engage and support women with GDM and ultimately, improve the health of the next generation.