My program of research involves applying basic science findings on mindfulness, maternal-child health, parent-child relationships, and developmental processes to the design of intervention programs that integrate contemplative practices with prevention science strategies. My goal is to systematically investigate the efficacy and real-world effectiveness of these interventions among diverse populations with attention to contextual factors, psychological function, and biological mechanisms of action. I pursue opportunities to create programs that may improve upon ‘gold standard’ prevention approaches while capitalizing on existing, national dissemination networks. I use this strategy in an effort to maximize the potential public health impact of the interventions while also reducing the typical time lag between positive trial results and evidence-based changes in clinical and educational practice guidelines. My recent focus has been on: a) investigating the neural and behavioral outcomes of prenatal delivery of Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting, and b) supporting leadership among women of color, to both address major issues with the cultural relevance of our approaches in this field, and to build our understanding of how contemplative practices may support health equity and reduce health disparities experienced by children, families, and communities.