Interpersonal violence is a significant threat to public health with serious ramifications to family and society. Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR), originally designed for those dealing with chronic illnesses, is now being offered to individuals with histories of surviving interpersonal violence. Yet, to be optimally effective, MBSR should be modified to address the unique needs of this vulnerable population. This presentation will show the results of one trauma-informed MBSR (TI-MBSR) model for a community-based sample of female interpersonal trauma survivors, using a mixed quantitative-qualitative methodology to assess the effects of the intervention on inter- and intrapersonal flourishing. This study united first-, second-, and third-person methods of inquiry, measuring changes on psychometric measures of depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, attachment, and relational communication. Follow-up phenomenological interviews were used to enrich and deepen quantitative findings and learn the lived experience of participants in their experience of the program.