Inspiring Minds: Live Conversations Offering Wisdom for Our Time
Raging forest fires, record floods, and persistent drought have driven home the reality of the climate crisis, fueling rising rates of anxiety and depression. What steps can we take to embrace uncertainty, deepen appreciation, nurture altruism, and speak out to injustice? What practices can help us build resilience and strengthen our resolve to tackle the crisis? Join a conversation with a leading stress scientist and a teacher of the Bon Tibetan religious tradition as they explore ways of connecting with nature and one another, and strategies for building collective efficacy in the fight against climate change. Topics include:
- Contemplative practices that help build resilience so that we can act from a place of calm awareness instead of fear.
- Research related to the science of behavior change and the role individuals can play in influencing larger systems to adopt climate-friendly practices.
Episode Resources
- Karen O’Brien’s book “You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World” (2021), available for a 10% discount and free shipping with the code Mind&Life here.
- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s book “Healing with Form, Energy, and Light”(2002), offering healing meditations and yogic practices based on the five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space.
- On developing resilience toward climate distress: browse Elissa Epel and Elena Fromer’s multimedia resources here.
- On the topic of climate anxiety in children and youth: read the academic paper on findings from a recent global survey here or the BBC coverage here.

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Ligmincha International
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, is one of only a few masters of the Bön Dzogchen tradition presently living in the West. Rinpoche is … MORE

Elissa Epel, PhD
University of California, San Francisco
Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer
Elissa Epel, Ph.D, is a Professor, and Vice Chair, in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, at University of California, San Francisco. She studies psychological, social, and behavioral pathways … MORE