This study will compare the efficacy of a mindfulness meditation program for adolescents with chronic health conditions delivered either in person or via eHealth. The eight-week mindfulness program, called Mindful Awareness and Resilience Skills for Adolescents (MARS-A) will combine various meditation practices, group discussions and inquiry. Participants will be recruited from different general and sub-specialty clinics at a large pediatric hospital and will be divided at random between in-person groups or eHealth groups. The eight weekly 90-minute MARS-A sessions will be moderated by two experienced mindfulness providers. Participants in the eHealth groups will follow the same program as participants in in-person groups using a secure online platform with live audio-visual facilitation. The study will recruit up to 60 participants ages 13-18. Each participant will provide data through research questionnaires, practice log books, recorded interviews and saliva samples. This study builds on the promising results of previous studies conducted by members of the research team showing excellent feasibility and significant reductions in stress levels in adolescents with chronic pain. If successful, this project could improve accessibility to mindfulness programs for youth with chronic health conditions or disabilities for whom attending in-person mindfulness sessions is impractical due to health or logistical reasons.

Nicholas Chadi, MD
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
Nicholas Chadi completed his medical school and pediatric residency in Montreal and is currently an Adolescent Medicine Fellow at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. His main research … MORE