This project will explore the ways in which a contemplative-based, anti-oppressive, and healing-centered curriculum developed by the Courage of Care Coalition and the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies can support individuals, who are already engaged in climate change mitigation and/or adaptation initiatives, to continue their climate work in a sustainable and hopeful manner. Specifically, we will assess the potential efficacy of our updated pilot intervention in supporting participants’ psycho-social health and sustaining their climate-related engagement. A secondary aim is to explore ways in which this intersectional social justice curriculum helps climate activists understand the concepts of environmental justice—that is, how ecological hazards and climate disasters have the harshest impacts on people of color, native tribes and those on low incomes—and the ways in which climate change and white supremacy are interconnected. Based on our findings from this study, we will revise the EcoJustice curriculum and offer a free online toolkit in service of our larger objective to foster community building and collaboration between climate and racial-justice activists, researchers and all others who care about our world.