The ongoing humanitarian crisis in India is aggravating economic and social disparities. Majority of Indian children from low-income backgrounds have been deprived education, face an uncertain future, with stress and emotional trauma. Therefore, there is an urgent need for teachers, schools and communities to be equipped with field-tested approaches to address the emotional well-being of low-income children. This Think Tank will draw on multiple disciplines including contemplative studies, humanities, psychology and organizational intelligence. It will bring together grassroots organizations and academic researchers to synthesize contextually relevant contemplative practices for improving low-income children’s well-being. The deliverables include: (a) periodic, contemplative theme-based, publications of “best practices”, (b) yearly conferences which disseminate learnings, and (c) field-tested compendium of age and context appropriate contemplative practices mapped to the school curriculum. This effort will pave the way for equipping parents, teachers, and schools with tools which promote well-being in low-income children and create compassionate communities.