We have previously studied the positive impact of mindfulness meditation (MBSR) on perceptual-motor awareness and self-agency. In this present project we aim to study the neural mechanisms underlying these meditation-related positive changes. We specifically aim to study the EEG spectral power and coherence signatures related to visuomotor performance and perceptual-motor awareness before and after an MBSR intervention and to correlate these EEG signatures with the behavioral data (motor accuracy, movement time, perceptual-motor conflict detection threshold). We predict that the EEG spectral power will change after the MBSR intervention. Specifically, we expect a decrease of power (in beta band) and an increase of coherence (in gamma band) in different areas within the frontoparietal network most probably in prefrontal, premotor and superior parietal areas. Those effects are expected to be observed specifically in the beta and gamma bands, which are known to be associated with visuomotor control processes and sensory-motor binding respectively.