Most post-war accounts highlight the vulnerability of females and violence of males; interventions therefore focus on providing relief hand-outs, stripping the populations of any agency. Using Stepping Stones for Peace and Prosperity (StSt4P&P)’s community-based mindfulness techniques grounded in inter-personal neurobiology, this study explores how post-war populations, and males in particular, can develop prosocial and compassionate positive gender identities. Community members will be supported to rethink and reshape masculinities, creating and developing a future collective strategic vision for peace and community well-being. The study will be undertaken in three parishes of Gulu district of Northern Uganda. The study population will involve three cohorts, each comprising peer groups of younger and older males and females. The study will use qualitative and quantitative methods, within a stepped wedge design. Specific methods will include focus group discussions, the Triangle of Mental Health Well-being, quantitative surveying of gendered social norms and behaviours, observation, and semi-structured interviews.

Sarah Ssali, PhD
Makerere University (Uganda)
Sarah N. Ssali, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Dean, School of Gender Studies (Makerere University) where Gendered Identities, Masculinities and Men’s Studies are taught. She is also the Director, … MORE

Evelyn Lutwama-Rukundo, PhD
Makerere University (Uganda)
Evelyn Lutwama-Rukundo, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University (Uganda). She attained her PhD at the School of English, University of Leeds, … MORE