Before we move to examining the impact of contemplative practice on self-compassion in youth, we need an established, validated measure of self-compassion. This study will validate the Youth Self Compassion Inventory (YSCI) with multi-modal assessment of neural correlates of self-compassion using high-density electroencephalography (EEG) in a study of one hundred and thirty-two male and female adolescents, 12-17 yrs. We will use tasks measuring self-evaluation, self-monitoring of behavior, and a social challenge (social exclusion), concurrent EEG, and surveys assessing emotional health and mindfulness. We expect that brain responses to negative self-evaluative words and cognitive errors will predict less self-compassion. We predict that individuals with higher levels of self-compassion will better cope with social exclusion. Establishing an age-appropriate measure of self-compassion paves the way for understanding the skills and underlying mechanisms within contemplative practice that confer benefit for youth in schools and the broader society.

Michael Crowley, PhD
Yale University
Michael J. Crowley, Ph.D. is an assistant professor at the Yale Child Study Center, is a child psychologist whose work focuses on key questions in social and affective neuroscience. Dr. … MORE