Compassion is a feeling that occurs in response to another’s suffering and motivates a subsequent helping desire (Goetz, Keltner, Simon-Thomas, 2010; Lazarus, 1991). Recent findings suggest that compassion may be trained through contemplative practice and that this training leads to increased prosocial feelings and behavior (Fredrickson, Cohn, Coffey, Pek, & Finkel, 2008; Hutcherson, Seppala, & Gross, 2008; Klimecki, Leiberg, Ricard, & Singer, 2013; Condon, Desbordes, Miller, & DeSteno, 2013). However, some changes attributed to training may be due to simpler components of the practice, such as the effects of processing of compassion-based language on subsequent behavior. Gaining insight into contributions of singular components of contemplative practice to increased well-being could be beneficial in developing accessible interventions to decrease interpersonal conflict and human suffering.
Grant voided.

Patrick Williams
Claremont Graduate University