Mindfulness research to date may represent a distorted view of the contextual factors that contribute to discrepancies in substance use treatment and engagement with Latinx clients. Specifically, underutilization and early termination rates seen in Latinx populations may be due to a lack of appropriate interventions for these individuals, stemming from the historical underrepresentation of ethno-racial minority groups in psychological research. The goal of the current study is to qualitatively assess obstacles to access, implementation, and perceived effectiveness of MBRP for Latinx communities to better understand the unique stressors that impact treatment utilization and outcomes. Using a thematic analysis approach, we will interview MBRP providers (n = 15) to explore provider perceptions and experiences with the goal of understanding factors underlying treatment disparities in Latinx populations, specifically barriers to 1) access or entry into treatment, 2) treatment engagement, and 3) cultural appropriateness and responsiveness of MBRP. Additionally, provider suggestions will be used to inform best practices for adapting and implementing MBRP with the Latinx population from a community-based perspective. Findings from the current study will help to promote health equity and access, engagement, and outcomes of MBRP for Latinx communities.