How do we motivate people, especially young adults, to deal with climate-change issues when they are remote from its effects, leaving them unmoved, or conversely, when they are on the receiving end of a catastrophe, leaving them overwhelmed? The standard motivator for climate activism has been fear, but it cannot sustain our actions in the long-term. Furthermore, the scale and immediacy of the problem is so great that the fear generated can paralyze or isolate us. We see the need to ground climate adaptation, activism and education in contemplative practice. Mindfulness, compassion and nature-connection practices can awaken a sense of interconnectedness and belonging with nature. This in turn fosters creativity and sustainable motivation to act from love for the welfare of all beings. We will develop ways to support our youth and climate-change professionals, create community structures that integrate contemplative practices into climate action, and nurture Sacred Activism.

Vivian Valentin, PhD
Mindful Heart Programs & Kind Mind
Once a Neuroscientist studying brain systems, I now work to transform social systems like school cultures. I co-created the Kind Mind school program: weekly mindfulness, compassion and nature-connection practices, weaved … MORE

Radhule Weininger, MD, PhD
Mindful Heart Programs
I am Radhule Weininger, a psychologist, meditation teacher and co-founder of Mindful Heart Programs. I have a Buddhist meditation practice for 40 years and strive to bring this into my … MORE

Michael Kearney, MD
Mindful Heart Programs
I am Michael Kearney, a Celt and a lover of birds and trees. I have worked for over 40 years as a doctor with people who are very seriously ill … MORE

John Foran, PhD
Eco Vista & University of California Santa Barbara
John Foran, co-founder of the Eco Vista Transition Initiative: active since early 2019 with a mission of transforming Isla Vista into a nearly-carbon neutral, socially just, and vibrant eco-village by … MORE

Kevin M Gallagher, Esq, JD, MS, MA
Emergent Resilience
Kevin M. Gallagher is an author, attorney, and facilitator dedicated to repairing the human relationship to nature. He is the founder of Emergent Resilience, a non-profit organization that helps organizations, … MORE

Monique Myers, PhD
University of California Santa Barbara Marine Science Institute

Shawn Van Valkenburgh
Sunrise Movement, University of California Santa Barbara

Joanna Macy, PhD
The Work That Reconnects

Jessica Alvarez Parfrey

Sarah Ray, PhD
Humboldt State University