The Education of the Heart Digital Dialogue is a multimedia site with video, presentations, and discussions from the Mind & Life Institute’s 33rd Dialogue with the Dalai Lama held in Dharamsala, India in March 2018. For five days, leading scientists, scholars, and educational practitioners gathered to explore new frontiers in education rooted in science and contemplative wisdom.
Today’s youth are growing up at a time of unprecedented change and escalating challenges. How can we best equip them with the values, skills, and attitudes needed to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world?
Summarized in this multimedia format are remarks by distinguished experts, many of them founders of the SEL movement, as they engage with the Dalai Lama in a far-reaching dialogue that bridges scientific inquiry, contemplative wisdom, and educational practice. Presenters share research findings and novel educational practices from a new generation of SEL programs and approaches focused on “educating the heart.”
It is our hope that “Education of the Heart” will help advance renewal in teaching and learning in schools, and bolster efforts to equip young people to build more peaceful, just, and equitable societies.