Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XXIII: Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence” on October 18-19, 2011.
Topic Two – Ethics, Philosophy, Theology
Session 4: Environmental Ethics: What is at Stake?
SPEAKER: Clare Palmer
How do we understand our ethical obligations when we conceive of ourselves as part of an ecosystem? Must we move beyond an anthropocentric and temporally bounded perspective to a wider view that encompasses all species and future generations? These and other such questions lie at the heart of Environmental Ethics, a new and vibrant discipline within Western Philosophy. From this new philosophical perspective, key questions include the question of value (intrinsic or not?), the problem of pluralism (is there a universal Environmental Ethics?) and our ethical relations to nonhuman beings.
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Dekila Chungyalpa
Daniel Goleman
Joan Halifax Roshi
Thupten Jinpa
Diana Liverman
Greg Norris
Jonathan Patz
Matthieu Ricard
Elke Weber
Sallie McFague

John Dunne, PhD
University of Wisconsin-Madison