Mind & Life creates and curates content on critical issues for individual and collective flourishing. Our content elevates voices and shares knowledge to inform the efforts of practitioners, educators, researchers, changemakers, and others to address urgent challenges. Our perspective is uniquely cross-disciplinary and cross-generational. We are expanding our lens to become more inclusive of diverse ideas, areas of expertise, contemplative traditions, and lived experience.

The Mind & Life podcast explores the fundamental questions that arise through bridging science and contemplative wisdom. Conversations with Mind & Life Science Director Wendy Hasenkamp and guests cover a wide range of topics, from the science of meditation, cultivating our mental health, creating systems change, and more.

In this online course, learn from an interdisciplinary faculty of Indigenous leaders, scientists, scholars, contemplative teachers and activists as they examine the root causes of the climate crisis and share strategies for healing our relationship with one another and the earth.

Visit our multimedia website for key learnings inspired by Mind & Life’s work at the intersection of science and contemplative wisdom. The site features essays by leading researchers and contemplatives and explores the use of mindfulness in promoting personal well-being, building more compassionate communities, and strengthening our connection to one another and the Earth.

What does real dialogue look and feel like? And how could it help expand possibilities for deeper understanding at a time of growing complexity—and mounting divides? The Mind & Life Digital Library explores these questions and more through recorded conversations and dialogues featuring the Dalai Lama with leading scientists, scholars, and contemplatives.

What is the mind and how can it help us cultivate a good life? And what can the body teach the mind about interconnection? Explore these questions and more in Mind & Life’s email newsletter, delivered monthly to your inbox. Mindstream features resources, content, and educational resources that explore a unique theme each month, all with a focus on better understanding the mind and our fundamental interconnection.

The Mind & Life blog displays the multitude of perspectives and experiences of our expanding community since 2010. From scientific reviews to poetry, from institutional updates to event summaries, from Fellows spotlights to grantee profiles, this blog archive features a rich variety of work, searchable by date and topic.