Peter Malinowski works as Reader in Cognitive Neuroscience at Liverpool John Moores University (UK). After completing his undergraduate/MSc studies in Psychology at the Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany), he gained his PhD in Psychology at the Universität Konstanz (Germany) and then – in 2001 – moved to Liverpool.

At LJMU he developed and directs the MSc Programme in Positive Psychology and Wellbeing and is Co- Director of LJMU’s Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour. In addition, he serves on the Board of Directors of the International Association ‘Consciousness-Mindfulness-Compassion’ (CMC-IA).

In his research, Peter primarily focuses on understanding the mechanisms of meditation from psychological and neuroscientific perspectives, on making this understanding more widely available and on pragmatic ways of applying it in secular contexts. For instance, in an extensive series of EEG studies, Peter’s research group demonstrated that just a few weeks of simple mindful breath awareness meditation enhances meta-cognitive awareness, a function that is crucial for health and wellbeing.

Peter is particularly passionate about combining evidence-based Positive Psychology practices with the key principles of mindfulness meditation, best-expressed through the mindfulness-based strengths practice programme (MBSP).