Looking for everything a particular person has done with us? Or want to trace someone’s work with us from their first grant? Curious to learn more about an interesting presenter? Search below.


Rebecca Acabchuk, PhD

University of Connecticut


Angel Acosta, EdD

Teachers College, Columbia University

Convening Faculty

Carrie Adair

University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill

Adrienne Adler

Wake Forest School of Medicine

Rui Afonso, PhD

Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein

Fellow, Reviewer

Saumya Aggarwal

Youth for Peace International

Nuño Aguirre de Cárcer, PhD

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa


Shelley Aikman, PhD

University of North Georgia

Grantee, Reviewer

Maha Al-Suwaidi

University of California Los Angeles

Grantee, Mentee

Micah Allen

Aarhus University, Århus, Denmark


Dilara Ally

Cambridge Health Alliance, Harvard Medical School


Debra Alvis

University of Georgia

Ajahn Amaro

Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery

Noopur Amin

University of California–Berkeley

Grace Amponsah

A New Dawn

Thomas Anderson

University of Toronto


Kylie Anglin

University of Connecticut


Zakiyah Ansari

New York State Alliance for Quality Education (AQE)

Anthony Antonio

Graduate School of Education, Stanford University

Elena Antonova, PhD

King's College


Joanna Arch

University of California–Los Angeles

Dev Ashish, MA

University of Arizona

Judy Austin

Fort Lewis College

James Austin, MD

University of Colorado Medical School (emeritus)

Natalie Avalos, PhD

Convening Faculty

Dorothe Bach

University of Virginia


Fred Bahnson


Anne Baker

Duke University

Willa Blythe Baker, PhD

Natural Dharma Fellowship

Convening Faculty

Femke Bakker, PhD

Leiden University (The Netherlands)


sujatha baliga

Restorative Justice Facilitator

Convening Faculty

Constanza Baquedano, PhD

Universidad Adolfo Ibanez


Henk Barendregt, PhD

Ramoud University Nijmegen

Susanna Barkataki

Ignite Yoga & Wellness Institute

Sean Barnes

Binghamton University

Thorsten Barnhofer, PhD

University of Surrey


Irene Barraza

My Light My Flow, Center for Healthy Schools and Communities

Bruce Barrett, MD, PhD

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Convening Faculty, Planning Committee Member

Lawrence Barsalou

University of Glasgow

Convening Faculty

Susan Bauer-Wu

Mind & Life Institute

Jan Chozen Bays

Zen Community of Oregon

Linda-Susan Beard

Bryn Mawr College

Yuri Belfali

Directorate for Education and Skills

Convening Faculty

Polina Beloborodova

Virginia Commonwealth University


Ramona Beltrán, PhD

University of Denver

Convening Faculty

Beth Berila, PhD

St. Cloud State University

Aviva Berkovich-Ohana, PhD

University of Haifa (Israel)

Grantee, Reviewer

Julio Bermudez

The Catholic University of America

Amit Bernstein, Ph.D.

University of Haifa

Convening Faculty, Grantee, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Kent Berridge

University of Michigan

Daniel Berry

Virginia Commonwealth University


Kelvy Bird

Convening Faculty

Abeba Birhane

Mozilla Foundation, University College Dublin

Kelly Birtwell

University of Manchester


Michel Bitbol, MD, PhD

Archives Husserl, École Normale Supérieure

Angela Black

Mindfulness for the People

Eva Henje Blom

University of California, San Francisco

Karen Bluth

University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill

Barbara Bogatin

San Francisco Symphony

Susan Bogels, PhD

University of Amsterdam

Michel Boivin, PhD

Université Laval

Suzanne Bond

President, Mind & Life Institute

Marcel O. Bonn-Miller

University of Pennsylvania and VA Palo Alto Health Care System

Leslie Booker

Urban Sangha

Deb Bopsie

Naropa University

Boris Bornemann

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Cynthia Bourgeault

Center for Action and Contemplation

Sarah Bowen, PhD

Pacific University


Wendy Bradford

HR Consultant, Mind & Life Institute

Josh Brahinsky

McGill University


Sam Brakarsh

Chikukwa Research Trust


Ann Brand, PhD

University of Wisconsin - Stout

Leigh Brasington

Theravada Buddhist meditation teacher

Mansi Brat

Kean University

Mentee, Reviewer

Julie Brefczynski-Lewis, PhD

School of Medicine, West Virginia University

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Kate Brennan

University of Oxford

Maya Breuer

Yoga Alliance

Judson Brewer, MD, PhD

Brown University

Jamie Bristow

Convening Faculty

Willoughby Britton, PhD

Brown University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Planning Committee Member

Jos Brosschot, PhD

Leiden University

Emery Brown

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Valerie Brown

Lead Smart Coaching

Convening Faculty

Dominique Marie Brown

Design Impact


Kirk Warren Brown, PhD

Virginia Commonwealth University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Reviewer

Christopher Brown

University of Manchester

Owsley Brown III

Owsley Brown Presents

Board Member, Fellow

Chase Bryer

Brown University

Adam Bucko

The Center for Spiritual Imagination

Eboni Bugg, LCSW

Mind & Life Institute

Jason Buhle

Columbia University

Grace Bullock

University of Oregon

Susan Burggraf

Naropa University

Woodrie Burich

The Integration Group

Ivana Burić, PhD

University of Amsterdam


Inger Burnett-Zeigler, PhD

Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University

Mirabai Bush

Center for Contemplative Mind in Society

Linda Buzzell-Saltzman

Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara

Anne Böckler

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Jose Caballero

Santa Barbara High School

Rael Baruch Cahn

University of California–San Diego

Gregory Cajete

University of New Mexico

Karisse Callender, PhD

Marquette University


Cathy Campbell, PhD, RN

University of Virginia


Emiliano Campobello

Sacred Winds Music, Emiliano-art, SB wellness Directory

Ryan Canolty

University of California–Berkeley

Eileen Cardillo, PhD

University of Pennsylvania

Linda Carlson, PhD

University of Calgary

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Amber Carpenter, PhD

University of York, Yale-NUS college

Amaya Carrasco-Torrontegui

University of Vermont


Alisa Carse

Georgetown University

Antonio Carvalho

University of Exeter

Leila Cavallho, PhD

University of California Santa Barbara

Yuria Celidwen, PhD

Indigenous scholar, Consultant and Advocate

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee

Nicholas Chadi, MD

Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada


Franc Chamberlain

University of Huddersfield

Tony Chambers, PhD

Center for Healthy Minds, University of Madison Wisconsin

Convening Faculty

Doris F. Chang, PhD

New York University

Convening Faculty, Grantee, Mentor, Reviewer

Alejandro Chaoul, PhD

Founding Director of the Jung Center's Mind Body Spirit Institute

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Reviewer

Diana Chapman Walsh, PhD

Wellesley College

Michelle Chatman

University of the District of Columbia

Convening Faculty

Julianne Cheek

Østfold University College, Norway

Wen Chen

National Center for Complementary & Integrative Health

Franklin Chen, PhD

University of Wisconsin- Green Bay

Sinhae Cho, PhD

McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School

Grantee, Mentee

Suparna Choudhury, PhD

McGill University

Kalina Christoff, PhD

University of British Columbia

Steven Chu, PhD

Stanford University

Dekila Chungyalpa

Loka Initiative, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Convening Faculty, Planning Committee Member

Eric Claravall, EdD

California State University, Sacramento


Dav Clark

University of California, Berkeley

Shawn Clement

Salesforce & IT Consultant, Mind & Life Institute

Niki Clements, PhD

Rice University

Jaimie Cloud

Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education

Jim Coan, PhD

University of Virginia

Doug Coatsworth

Colorado State University

Samuel Cocks, PhD

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse

Blake Colaianne, PhD

Pennsylvania State University


Paul Condon, PhD

Southern Oregon University

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Quinn Conklin, PhD

UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee

Joshua Connor

University of Chicago

David Cooper, MA

Clinical and Affective Neuroscience Lab, Brown University

Lisette Cooper

Fiduciary Trust International

Board Member

Laura Copley

The Pennsylvania State University

Shari Cordon

Virginia Commonwealth University

Jacob Cousin

Brown University

Laurie Cozad

Division of Interdisciplinary Inquiry, Lesley University

Catherine Crane

Warneford Hospital, Oxford, UK

Mardi Crane-Godreau

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College

Jessica Creery

Northwestern University

David J. Creswell, PhD

Carnegie Mellon University

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Molly Crockett, PhD

Princeton University

Convening Faculty, Discussant, Fellow

Michael Crowley, PhD

Yale University


Cyd Crowse

InteraXon, Meditation Studio

Elena Cuffari

University of the Basque Country

Margaret Cullen, PhD

Portland State University


William Cunningham, PhD

University of Toronto

Neil Dalal, PhD

University of Alberta

Ellen Darling

Brown University Medical School

Linda Darling-Hammond, EdD

Learning Policy Institute

Convening Faculty

Nilanjana (Buju) Dasgupta, PhD

University of Massachusetts–Amherst

Fellow, Planning Committee Member, Research and Programs Council Member

Jennifer Daubenmeier

University of California San Francisco

Martin Davidson

University of Virginia

Board Member

Richard J. Davidson, PhD

William James and Vilas Research Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry and Founder & Director of the Center for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Founder and Chief Visionary for Healthy Minds Innovations, Inc.

Jake Davis

CUNY Graduate Center


Samantha Davis

Temple University


Meha Davé

Summer Search

Kiku Day

Aarhus University

Hanne De Jaegher

University of the Basque Country

Convening Faculty

Satya de la Paz

Satya Bodyworks

Marisa DeCollibus

The Pennsylvania State University


John J. DeGioia, PhD

Georgetown University

Louise Delagran, MS

University of Minnesota Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing

Arnaud Delorme

University of California–San Diego

Ekaterina Denkova, PhD

University of Miami


Marc-Henri Deroche, PhD

Kyoto University

Katie Derthick

Human Centered Design & Engineering

Gaelle Desbordes, PhD

Independent Researcher

Fellow, Grantee, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Rina Deshpande

Rina Deshpande Mindfulness & Yoga

David DeSteno

Northeastern University

Convening Faculty, Planning Committee Member

Kathryn Devaney, PhD

Harvard Medical School


Erika Diaz-Almeyda, PhD

New College of Florida


Cary Dickinson

Senior Grants Coordinator, Mind & Life Institute

Joseph Diehl

Duke University


Sona Dimidjian, PhD

Renée Crown Wellness Institute

Board Member

Le-Anh Dinh-Williams

University of Toronto


Sandra DiVitale

Emory University School of Medicine

Stephanie Dorais

Kean University


Dusana Dorjee, PhD

Bangor University

Grantee, Reviewer

Lucy Draper-Clarke, PhD

University of the Witwatersrand

Grantee, Reviewer

Andrew Dreitcer, MDiv, PhD

Claremont School of Theology

Convening Faculty, Planning Committee Member

Vitaliya Droutman, PhD

University of Southern California


Yemaya Renuka Duby

Your Beloved Health

Larissa Duncan, PhD

University of Wisconsin at Madison


Ned Dunn

Senior Information Technology Manager, Mind & Life Institute

Barnaby Dunn

University of Exeter, Exeter, UK

John Dunne, PhD

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Bonnie Duran

University of Washington

Kamila Dvorakova

Pennsylvania State University


Brenda Dyer

University of British Columbia

Ericka Echavarria

Columbia University


Ana Eclair, PhD

University of Melbourne


John Edwards

Oregon State University


Kristina Eichel, PhD

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany)


Arri Eisen

Emory-Tibet Science Initiative

Nancy Eisenberg, PhD

Arizona State University

Polly Young Eisendrath, PhD

University of Vermont

Tory Eisenlohr-Moul, PhD

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Paul Ekman, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

Melissa Ellamil

University of British Columbia

Adam Engle, JD, MBA

Mind & Life Institute

Elissa Epel, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Ronald Epstein

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

Michelle Evans-Chase

Department of Psychology, Rowan University

Michael Onyebuchi Eze, PhD

University of Amsterdam, University of Cambridge

Emily Falk, PhD

University of Pennsylvania


Martha Farah, PhD

University of Pennsylvania

Norman Farb, PhD

University of Toronto Mississauga

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Wendy Farley

Emory University

Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD

Northeastern University

Joshua Felver, PhD

Brown University

Grantee, Reviewer

Tasnim Hermila Fernandez

Sufi Order International

Marissa Ferry

Pacific University


Brent A. Field, PhD

Fellow, Planning Committee Member

Christiana Figueres

Global Climate Leader

Convening Faculty

Amy Finlay-Jones, PhD

Telethon Kids Institute, Australia


Carolyn Finney, PhD

Middlebury College

Convening Faculty

Bronwyn Finnigan

Australian National University

Alexandra Fiocco

Ryerson University

Nathan Fisher

University of California, Santa Barbara

Spencer Fix

University of North Carolina–Charlotte

Lone Fjorback

Research Clinic for Functional Disorders and Psychosomatics, Aarhus University Hospital

Crystal Fleming

Stony Brook University


James Floman, PhD

Yale University

Grantee, Reviewer

William Flood

Wake Forest School of Medicine


Lisa Flook, PhD

University of Wisconsin–Madison

Convening Faculty, Grantee, Reviewer

Marianne Florian, PhD

University of South Florida


Jessica Flynn

Kent State University

John Foran, PhD

Eco Vista & University of California Santa Barbara

Bo Forbes, PsyD

Center for Integrative Yoga Therapeutics

David Forbes

City University New York

Brett Ford, PhD

University of Toronto


Sebrina Doyle Fosco

Pennsylvania State University


Durwin Foster

University of British Columbia

Kieran Fox

University of British Columbia

Grantee, Reviewer

Shayna Fox Lee, MA

York University (Canada)


Vibeke Asmussen Frank

Aarhus University

Robert Frank, PhD

Cornell University

Tyralynn Frazier, PhD, MPH

Emory University

Convening Faculty, Grantee, Reviewer

Barbara Fredrickson, PhD

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Grantee, Reviewer

David M. Fresco, PhD

Kent State University


Jacob Freund

Chief of Staff, Mind & Life Institute

Ann Friedman

Mind Body Spirit Institute of the Jung Center of Houston


Brett Froeliger

Department of Neuroscience, Medical University of South Carolina

Masakatsu Fujita, DPhil

Kyoto University

Greta Gaard, PhD, MSW

University of Wisconsin - River Falls


Fred H. Gage, PhD

Salk Institute

Elizabeth Gagen

Aberystwyth University

Julieta Galante, MD, PhD

University of Melbourne


Brian Galla

University of Pennsylvania

Shaun Gallagher, PhD

University of Memphis

Carlos Andres Gallegos-Riofrío

University of Vermont


Tim Gard, PhD

Bender Institute of Neuroimaging, Giessen, Germany


Sheila Garland

Tom Baker Cancer Centre–Holy Cross Site, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Eric Garland, PhD, LCSW

University of Utah

Kathleen Garrison, PhD

Yale University

Grantee, Reviewer

Rolf Gates

Communities Rizing

Catherine Gautier

University of California Santa Barbara

Richa Gawande, PhD

Cambridge Health Alliance

Grantee, Reviewer

Susan Gere

Division of Counseling and Psychology, Lesley University

David Germano, PhD

University of Virginia

Shannon Gibney, MA

Minneapolis Community and Technical College

Carine Gilbert

Grounded in Motion

Dent Gitchel

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, PhD

Stellenbosch University

Convening Faculty

Annemarie Gockel, PhD

Smith College

Grantee, Reviewer

Alan Godlas, PhD

University of Georgia

Simon Goldberg, PhD

University of Wisconsin–Madison

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Philippe Goldin, PhD

Stanford University


Shankari Goldstein

Program Manager, Mind & Life Institute


Michael Goldstein

University of Arizona

Yulia Golland

Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya

Marisela Gomez, PhD, MD, MPH

Convening Faculty, Mentor

Ana Gomez-Carillo, PhD

McGill University

Ursula Goodenough, PhD

Washington University, St. Louis

Robert Goodman

Virginia Commonwealth University

Elizabeth Goodman Gurfein

PGSP – Stanford Psy. D. Consortium

Kristen Goodrich

University of California Irvine

Nirmal Govindaraju

Eikas Foundation

Grantee, Reviewer

Nirmal Govindaraju

Eikas Foundation


Joshua Grant

University of Montreal


Liz Grant

University of Edinburgh

Convening Faculty

Summer M. Gray, PhD

University of California Santa Barbara

Caryn Green

Drama for Life

Mark Greenberg, PhD

Pennsylvania State University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

George Greenstein, PhD

Amherst College

Jeffrey Greeson

University of Pennsylvania

Wanda Gregory

University of Washington

Kathleen Gregory

School of Public Health, La Trobe University

Michael Griffin

University of British Columbia

Peter Grossenbacher, PhD

Naropa University


Dan Grupe, PhD

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fellow, Grantee

Joanna Guan

University of California - Davis


Maggie Guggenheimer

Director of Advancement, Mind & Life Institute

Anu Gupta, JD

BE MORE with Anu


Daniel Gutierrez

College of William & Mary


Yuval Hadash

University of Haifa

Andrea Haidar, MA, LCSW

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Grantee, Mentee

Alex Haley, JD, MBA

University of Minnesota Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing

Roshi Joan Halifax, PhD

Upaya Institute and Zen Center

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Founding Steward

Maureen Hall

University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Robin Hall

University of Pennsylvania

Eran Halperin, PhD

Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Israel


Michelle Hamilton, PhD

University of Wisconsin - Stout

Adam Hanley, PhD

University of Utah

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Anne Harrington, PhD

Harvard University

Angela Harris, JD

University of California

Planning Committee Member

Lasana Harris, PhD

University College London

Convening Faculty, Reviewer

Jasmine Harris

Northwestern University

Morgan Harris

Washington and Lee University

Alexis Harris

Compassionate Schools Project

Convening Faculty

Charlie Hartwell

Bridge Builders Collaborative

Wendy Hasenkamp, PhD

Podcast Host, Mind & Life Institute

Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Uri Hasson, PhD

Princeton University

Teresa Hawkes

University of Oregon

Andrea Hayes

University of Wisconsin–Madison

Katharine Hayhoe, PhD

Texas Tech University

Convening Faculty

Kevin Healey

University of New Hampshire

Tara Healey

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

Rick Hecht, MD

University of California San Francisco


Yotam Heineberg, PsyD

Gronowski Center, Palo Alto University

Sarah Helms

Washington and Lee University

Joseph Henrich

Harvard University

Ami Henson

Chief Operating Officer, Mind & Life Institute

Jose Herrero, PhD

Northwell Health - Feinstein Institute for Medical Research (NY)


Ryan Herringa

University of Wisconsin, Madison


Barry Hershey


Linda Heuman

Tricycle magazine, John Templeton Foundation, Brown University

Oliver Hill, PhD

Virginia State University

Ken Hiltner

University of California Santa Barbara

Matthew Hirshberg, PhD

Center for Investigating Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fellow, Grantee

Sarah Hite

Social Media Officer, Mind & Life Institute

Marie-Eve Hoeppli

McGill University

Tara Hofkens

University of Virginia


Elizabeth A. Hoge, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital


Jimmie Holland, MD

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Allison Holt

Convening Faculty

Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, PhD

Educational Neuroimaging Center Technion, Haifa, Israel / Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center


Michael Hove

Florida Atlantic University


Marc Howard

Center for Memory and Brain

Paul Howard Jones

University of Bristol

Funie Hsu

San Francisco State

Reginald Hubbard

Founder/Chief Serving Officer of Active Peace Yoga

Convening Faculty, Discussant, Planning Committee Member

Arianna Huffington

The Huffington Post

Brent Hughes

Columbia University

Jeremy Hunter, PhD

Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management

Piet Hut


Cendri Hutcherson

Stanford University

Britta Hölzel, PhD

Massachusetts General Hospital

Grantee, Reviewer

Gio Iacono, PhD

University of Connecticut


Mays Imad, PhD

Connecticut College

Fellow, Mentor

Yuki Imoto, PhD

Keio University

Convening Faculty

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, Pir of the Inayatiyya

Pir of the Inayatiyya and founder of Sulūk Academy

Convening Faculty, Discussant

Daniel Irurah, PhD, MArch, MUP, BArch (Hons)

University of the Witwatersrand

Zvi Ish-Shalom, PhD

Kedumah Institute, Naropa University

Zenzele Isoke, PhD

University of Minnesota

Dana Jack

Western Washington University

MacAndrew Jack, PhD

Naropa University

Kevin Jackson

Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Yvette Jackson

National Urban Alliance

Janice Jackson

National Equity Project

Rachel Jacobs, PhD

University of Illinois–Chicago

Carolyn Jacobs, MSW, PhD

Smith College School for Social Work

Board Member

Nabila Farhin Jahan

Virginia Commonwealth University


Felipe Jain, MD

Harvard Medical School


Carrie James

Harvard Graduate School of Education


Juan Felipe Jaramillo, MD

Fundacion Zen Montana de Silencio

Lisa Jaremka, PhD

University of Delaware


Kristen Jastrowski

Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

Patricia (Tish) Jennings, MEd, PhD

University of Virginia

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Amishi Jha, PhD

University of Miami

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Planning Committee Member, Research and Programs Council Member

Thupten Jinpa, PhD

Compassion Institute

Board Chair

Zishan Jiwani

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Chassity Johnson

Accounting and HR Support

Robert A. Jonas

The Empty Bell

Grant Jones

The Black Lotus Collective; Harvard University

Grantee, Research and Programs Council Member, Reviewer

Zoran Josipovic, PhD

New York University

Jonathan Joy-Gaba, PhD

Digital Media Coordinator, Mind & Life Institute

Cullan Joyce, PhD

University of Melbourne

Lyla June


Alan Jurgens

University of Copenhagen

Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD

University of Massachusetts

Fellow, Founding Steward

Edna Kahhale

Catholic University of São Paulo

Daniel Kahneman, PhD

Woodrow Wilson School

Wangũi wa Kamonji

Regeneration practitioner


Yoona Kang, PhD

University of Pennsylvania

Convening Faculty, Grantee, Reviewer

Kritee Kanko, PhD

Convening Faculty

Philipp Kanske, PhD

University of Dresden

Maithilee Kanthi

Sunrise Movement SB

Nancy Kanwisher, PhD, FBA

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Deanna Kaplan, PhD

Emory University


Robert Kaplan

Arizona State University

Chris Kaplan, M.A.

Canticle Farm

Terri Karris, PhD

University of Wisconsin - Stout

Gábor Karsai

Mind & Life Europe, Dharma Gate Buddhist College

Convening Faculty

Hawah Kasat

Roots to Sky Sanctuary

Convening Faculty, Discussant

Alfred Kaszniak, PhD

The University of Arizona


Sucharit Katyal

University of Minnesota

Ellen Katz

University of Toronto

Rabbi Doniel Katz

Neve Yerushalayim (now: The Elevation Project)

Michael Kearney, MD

Mindful Heart Programs

Thomas Keating

St. Benedict’s Monastery, Snowmass, Colorado

Julia Ann Keller

University of New Mexico

Ellen Kellner

Events & Logistics Manager, Mind & Life Institute

Amber Kelly

Florida State University, College of Social Work

Margaret E. Kemeny, PhD

University of California San Francisco

Connie Kemmerer

Board Member, Fellow

Doug Kennedy, PhD

University of Minnesota Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing

Catherine Kerr, PhD

Brown University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee

Barry Kerzin, MD

Altruism in Medicine Institute

Sahib Khalsa

University of Iowa

Sat Bir Khalsa, PhD

Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Sulaiman Khatib

Combatants for Peace

Convening Faculty

Bassam Khoury

McGill University


Marina Khusid

Deployment Health Clinical Center, University of Illinois at Chicago

Laura Kiken

Virginia Commonwealth University

Juensung Kim

University of Groningen


Julia Kim

Gross National Happiness Center, Bhutan

Shin-Young Kim

University of Rochester


Brandon King, PhD

University of California–Davis

Fellow, Grantee

Anthony King, PhD

University of Michigan

Grantee, Reviewer

Sheila Kinkade

Storyteller/Content Strategist, Mind & Life Institute

James Kirby, PhD

The University of Queensland

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee

Anne Klein, PhD

Rice University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee

Neil-Douglas Klotz

Edinburgh Institute for Advanced Learning

Bruce Knauft, PhD

Emory University

Christopher Knaus

University of Washington, Tacoma

Jennifer Knox

Emory University

Ugur Kocataskin

Naropa University

Jordan Kohn

Emory University

Bethany Kok

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences


Louis Komjathy, PhD, CSO

University of San Diego

Jack Kornfield

Spirit Rock Center

Board Member

Fusako Koshikawa, PhD

Waseda University

Convening Faculty

Catherine Koverola

Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences, Lesley University

Elisa Kozasa, PhD

Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Brazil

Barry Kroll

Lehigh University

Jamie Kucinskas

Hamilton College

Laura Labelle

Tom Baker Cancer Centre–Holy Cross Site, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Sarah Laborde, PhD

Griffith University (Australia)


Jean-Philippe Lachaux, PhD

Neuroscience Research Center, INSERM/CNRS, France

Thomas Laird


Sharon Lambert, PhD

The George Washington University

Grantee, Reviewer

Eric Lander, PhD

Whitehead Institute

Natalia Lapteva

Sufi Ruhaniat International

Christine Lathren

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Yael Latzer

Haifa University


Heidemarie Laurent, PhD

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Brooke D. Lavelle, PhD

Courage of Care Coalition

Convening Faculty, Grantee, Reviewer

Molly Stewart Lawlor

University of British Columbia

Emma Lawrence

King’s College, London

Ann Lawton, MS

University of Wisconsin - River Falls

Sara Lazar, PhD

Harvard University


Thao Le


Natalie Lecy

University of South Dakota


Durga Leela

Yoga of Recovery®

Philip Leger

McGill University

Susanne Leiberg

University of Zurich

Katherine Lenger

University of Tennessee, Knoxville


Noelle Leonard

New York University College of Nursing

Nathaniel Lepp

Brown University Medical School

Daniel Levinson

University Wisconsin–Madison

Nava Levit-Binnun, PhD

Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Israel

Grantee, Reviewer

Yoni Levy, PhD

Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Israel


Sara Lewis, PhD

Wellesley College

David Lewis

Independent Researcher

Michael Lifshitz, PhD

Stanford University


Rachel Lilley

Aberystwyth University

Jeff Yanli Lin, PhD

Washington University in St. Louis

Grantee, Reviewer

Jared Lindahl, PhD

Brown University


Abigail Lindemann

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Emily Lindsay

University of Pittsburgh


Kaira Jewel Lingo

Convening Faculty, Fellow

Bradley Lint

Mansfield University

David Lipschitz

University of Utah

Jenny Liu

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Monika Lohani

Brandeis University


Katie Loncke

Buddhist Peace Fellowship

Marina Lopez-Sola

University of Colorado

Dylan Lott

University of Illinois at Chicago

David Loy, PhD

Radboud University, The Netherlands

Tanya Luhrmann, PhD

Stanford University

Pier Luigi Luisi, PhD

Institut für Polymere Departement Werkstoffe

Gloria Luong, PhD

Colorado State University

Grantee, Reviewer

Sonia Lupien, PhD

Centre for Studies on Human Stress, Université de Montréal


Evelyn Lutwama-Rukundo, PhD

Makerere University (Uganda)


Jacqueline Lutz, PhD

Cambridge Health Alliance, Harvard Medical School


Antoine Lutz, PhD

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Discussant, Fellow, Reviewer

Christopher Lyddy

Case Western Reserve University

Katie (KT) Humphrey Lynch

Executive Assistant, Mind & Life Institute

Kristen Lyons

University of Minnesota

Dawn MacDonald

Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba

Rui Machado

Federal University of Pampa, Uruguaiana Campus


Graça Machel

Foundation for Community Development

Joanna Macy, PhD

The Work That Reconnects

Lily Mafela, MA, PhD

University of Botswana

Rhonda Magee, JD

University of San Francisco


Jonas Mago

McGill University


Ramaswami Mahalingam

University of Michigan


Christa Mahlobo

The University of Pennsylvania


Ed Maibach, PhD

George Mason University

Convening Faculty

Kamilah Majied, PhD

California State University, Monterey Bay

Convening Faculty

Brett Major

University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill

John Makransky, PhD

Boston College

Convening Faculty, Fellow

Dominique A. Malebranche, Ph.D.

Pepperdine University

Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Peter Malinowski

Liverpool John Moores University

Vaishali Mamgain, PhD

University of Southern Maine

A portrait of Zenju Earthlyn Manuel smiling towards the camera
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

Still Breathing Zen Sangha

Convening Faculty

Erin Maresh, PhD

University of Arizona


Abigail Marsh

Georgetown University


Te Martin, Song-leader

Convening Faculty

Xiuhtezcatl Martinez

Earth Guardians

Chiara Mascarello 

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Convening Faculty

Jennifer Mascaro, PhD

Science & Grants Consultant, Mind & Life Institute; Emory University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Jenny Mascaro

Associate Professor, Emory University School of Medicine

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Ashley Mason

University of California–San Francisco

Konda Mason

Spirit Rock Center


Ann S. Masten, PhD

Convening Faculty

Masaki Matsubara, PhD

Cornell University

Lisa May, PhD

University of Oregon

Christopher May, PhD

University of Groningen (Netherlands)


Helen S. Mayberg, MD

Emory University School of Medicine

Oneika Mays

Convening Faculty

Brian McAlister, PhD

University of Wisconsin - Stout

Cade McCall

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Erin McCarthy, PhD

Research Consultant, Mind & Life Institute; St. Lawrence University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member

Eric McCord

Forest Refuge, Insight Meditation Society

Bruce McEwen, PhD

The Rockefeller University

Grace McGee

Washington and Lee University

Francis Mckay

University of Chicago

Laura McKee, PhD

Georgia State University


David McMahan, PhD

Franklin & Marshall College

Kibby McMahon

Duke University


Michael J. Meaney, PhD

McGill University

Sebastian Medeiros, MD

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Matthias Mehl, PhD

University of Arizona


Wolf Mehling, MD

University of California San Francisco


Ted Meissner

Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Hans Melo

University of Toronto

Geoffrey Menin


Felipe Mercado

California State University, Fresno

Convening Faculty, Mentee, Planning Committee Member

David Meyer, PhD

University of Michigan

Fellow, Planning Committee Member

Rahma Mian

Institute of Business Administration, Karachi


Jay Michaelson

Brown University

Soizic Michelot

Association pour le développement de la mindfulness

David Mick

University of Virginia

Deborah Middleton

University of Huddersfield

J Miles

Project Yoga Richmond and Maha Vira Yoga

Convening Faculty

Edward D. Miller, MD

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Kenryo Minowa, PhD

University of Tokyo

Polina Mischenko

Executive Assistant, Mind & Life Institute


Jyoti Mishra

University of California–San Diego


Ravi Mishra

Awaken Meditation

Erin Mistretta

University of Washington


Geoffrey Mitelman

Sinai and Synapses


Mohammed Hamid Mohammed

The Fetzer Institute

Sonia Montoya

San Jose State Research Foundation

William R. Moomaw, PhD

Fletcher School at Tufts University

Jessica Morey

Inward Bound Mindfulness

Daniel Morris

Northwestern University


Anna Morse

Grants Coordinator, Mind & Life Institute

Brianna Morseth, MA

University of California–Santa Barbara

Joshua Moses

Haverford College

Kazuo Murakami, PhD

University of Tsukuba

Caroline Murphy, PhD

Children in Crossfire


Jerome Murphy

Harvard University

Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

Stanford University


Vivek Murthy

19th Surgeon General, United States

Dennis Muñoz Vergara

Brigham and Women's Hospital


Monique Myers, PhD

University of California Santa Barbara Marine Science Institute

Yoshio Nakamura, PhD

University of Utah School of Medicine

Planning Committee Member

Jose Raul Naranjo

University Medical Center Freiburg

Susan Natali, PhD

Woodwell Climate Research Center

Seema Nath


Dina Nayeri

University of St. Andrews


Magdalena Naylor

University of Vermont and MindBody Medicine Clinic

Lobsang Tenzin Negi, PhD

Emory University & Drepung Loseling Monastery


Hamish Mabala Neill

Drama for Life

Benjamin Nelson

University of Oregon

Philip Nessel

Alexander Technique International

nischal neupane

Contemplative Changemaking Grant Consultant, Mind & Life Institute

Helen J. Neville, PhD

Salk Institute

Lionel Newman

University of Groningen


Edwin Ng, PhD

Deakin University

Thy Nguyen

Bangor University, UK


Lis Nielsen, PhD

National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health

Matthew Nock, PhD

Harvard University


Jessica Noggle-Taylor, PhD

Harvard Medical School

Misbah Noorani

Brown University

Robin Nusslock, PhD

Northwestern University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Reviewer

Rebecca Nyquist Baelen

University of Pennsylvania


Karen O’ Brien, PhD

University of Oslo

Convening Faculty

Roisin O’Donnell

University of Arizona

Peggy O’Neill, PhD

Smith College


Eva Oberle

University of British Columbia

Andrew Olendzki, D.Phil.

Integrated Dharma Institute


Steven Oliver

Salem State University


Tess Ortega

Operations Manager, Mind & Life Institute

Catherine Ortner

University of Toronto

Takafumi Kawakami Osho

Shunkoin Temple

Brian Ostafin, PhD

University of Groningen

Brendan Ozawa-de Silva, PhD

Emory University

Convening Faculty, Grantee

Thaddeus Pace

The University of Arizona


Maria Pacheco

Brown University

Martin Paczynski

George Mason University

Roman Palitsky, PhD, MDiv

Emory University


Ken Paller, PhD

Northwestern University


kelley nicole palmer

Convening Faculty

Crystal Park

University of Connecticut

Carolyn Parkinson, PhD

University of California, Los Angeles

Convening Faculty

Aurea Pascalicchio

Health Institute, Catholic University of São Paulo

Brian Pasley

University of California–Berkeley

Mariana Fajardo Patino

Fundacion Zen Montana de Silencio

Barbara (Bobbi) Patterson, PhD

Emory University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member, Research and Programs Council Member, Reviewer

Martin Paulus

University of California San Diego

Tucker Peck

University of Arizona

Brynn Pedrick

Advancement & Communications Manager, Mind & Life Institute

David Pellow, PhD

University of California Santa Barbara

David Perlman

University of Wisconsin–Madison

Donald Perovich, PhD

Darthmouth College


Anat Perry, PhD

Hebrew University

Convening Faculty, Grantee

Kedrick Perry, PhD

Loyola University

Gail Perry-Ryder, PhD

The City University of New York

Jessica Peters, PhD

Rhode Island Hospital; Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Claire Petitmengin, PhD

Archives Husserl, École Normale Supérieure

Jack Petranker, JD

Mangalam Research Center, San Francisco, CA

Sará King, M.A., Ph.D.

Convening Faculty

Anthony Phillips, PhD

University of British Columbia

LaShawnDa Pittman, PhD

University of Washington


John Plass, PhD

Northwestern University

Jennifer Pokorny

University of California, Davis

Angelina Polsinelli

University of Arizona

Rich Potter

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Michael Potts

Advance Wave Partners

Board Member

john a. powell, JD

University of California, Berkeley

Convening Faculty

Chivon Powers, PhD

University of California, Davis

Elizabeth Kimbrough Pradhan

University of Maryland School of Medicine

Rashmi Prasad

University of Alaska, Anchorage

Steven Pratscher, PhD

University of Florida


Cynthia Price, PhD, LMP

University of Washington

Fellow, Reviewer

Malena Price

University of Miami

Grantee, Planning Committee Member

Sarah Priddy, MSSW, LCSW

University of Utah


Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jeffrey Proulx, PhD

Brown University

Grantee, Mentor, Reviewer

Stacy Pulice, PhD

Santa Barbara High School

Ronald Purser, PhD

San Francisco State University


Jordan Quaglia, PhD

Naropa University

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Denise Quesnel

Fraser Health Authority and Simon Fraser University


Romeral Ortiz Quintilla

Respira en España

Antonino Raffone, PhD

Sapienza University Rome

Enver Rahmanov

Graduate Theological Union

Hadley Rahrig

Virginia Commonwealth University


Charles Raison, PhD

Emory University


Natalie Raithel

Advancement Associate, Mind & Life Institute

Radhi Raja

University SIM, Singapore

Tarah Raldiris, PhD

Flagler College, Florida


Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, PhD

University of Lancaster

Edgardo Ramirez

University of California, Los Angeles


Paula Ramírez

Breathe International

Kirat Randhawa

Columbia University

Roxanne Rashedi

University of California - Davis


Aneeta Rattan, PhD

London Business School

Holly Rau

University of Utah

Sarah Ray, PhD

Humboldt State University

Srinivas Reddy

IIT Gandhinagar

Convening Faculty

Michal Reifen Tagar, PhD

Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Israel


Deidre Kolarick Reis

Yale University

Soham Rej

McGill University


Laura Rendón, PhD

University of Texas, San Antonio

Fellow, Mentor

Matthieu Ricard, PhD


Convening Faculty, Fellow

Bernard Richardson

Howard University


June Rimmer

University of Washington

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Ligmincha International

Luis Alejandro Moya Riveros, LLM

Universidad de Los Andes

Erin Robbins

Spelman College

Sam Roberts

Liverpool John Moores University


Philippe Rochat, PhD

Emory University

Convening Faculty

Laura Emiliana Rodriguez Morales

AtentaMente Consultores

Lizabeth Roemer, PhD

University of Massachusetts, Boston

Andreas Roepstorff, PhD

Aarhus University

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Robert Roeser, PhD, MSW

Pennsylvania State University

Convening Faculty, Planning Committee Member, Research and Programs Council Member, Reviewer

Vivi Rogers

Financial Consultant, Forward Financial Intelligence; Fractional Finance Director, Mind & Life Institute

Rahil Rojiani

Cambridge Health Alliance / Harvard Medical School


Michael Romano

Emory-Tibet Science Initiative

Lindsay Romano

New York University


Rabbi Or Rose

The Center for Global Judaism

Jonathan Rose

Jonathan Rose Companies LLC

Convening Faculty

Zev Rosen

University of Pennsylvania

Melissa Rosenkranz, PhD

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fellow, Reviewer

Harold Roth, PhD

Brown University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Planning Committee Member

Peggy Rowe-Ward

Founder and Director of The Lotus Institute

Convening Faculty

Deborah Rozelle

Independent Clinical Psychologist and Researcher

Cynda Hylton Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN

Johns Hopkins University


Matthew Sacchet, PhD

Harvard University


Adam Safron

University of Pennsylvania

Manish Saggar

University of Texas–Austin

Baljinder Sahdra

University of California–Davis

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Pooja Sahni, PhD

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


Sharon Salzberg

Insight Meditation Society

Juan Santoyo

Universidad de Antioquia; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Grantee, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Juliana M Santoyo, EdM

One Square World

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Robert Sapolsky, PhD

Stanford University

Ed Sarath, PhD

University of Michigan

Clifford Saron, PhD

University of California, Davis

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member

Sarina Saturn, PhD

OEA Choice Trust


Hiie Saumaa

Columbia University

David Sbarra, PhD

University of Arizona

Carly Scarton

The Pennsylvania State University

Kurtis Schaeffer

University of Virginia

Laura Schmalzl, PhD

Southern California University of Health Sciences

Convening Faculty, Grantee, Reviewer

Donata Schoeller

University of Zurich

Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, PhD

University of British Columbia

Convening Faculty, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Jonathan Schooler, PhD

University of California–Santa Barbara

Zev Schuman-Olivier, MD

Harvard Medical School


Don Seeman


Zindel Segal, PhD

University of Toronto-Scarborough

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member

Pamela Seigel

Wellesley College

Bandile Seleme

Lawyers Against Abuse

Veronica Selzler

Fetzer Institute

Sawa Senzaki, PhD

Sawa Senzaki

Emma Seppala

Stanford University

Anil Seth, Ph.D.

University of Sussex, UK

Convening Faculty

Gunes Sevinc, PhD

Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School


Amanda Shallcross, MPH

New York University School of Medicine


Rebecca Shansky, PhD

Northeastern University

Robert Sharf, PhD

University of California, Berkeley

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee

Phillip R. Shaver, PhD

University of California, Davis

Michael Sheehy, PhD

University of Virginia


Kathrine Shepherd

Kent State University

David S. Sheps, MD

University of Florida College of Medicine

John F. Sheridan, PhD

Ohio State University

Emily Shih

University of California - Riverside


Vandana Shiva, PhD

Founder, Navdanya

Convening Faculty

Liat Shklarski

Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College


Rabbi Eliezer Shore

Hebrew University

Sarah Short, PhD

University of North Carolina

Keiryu Liên Shutt

Convening Faculty

Erica Sibinga

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Daniel Siegel, MD

UCLA School of Medicine

Judith Simmer-Brown, PhD

Naropa University

Convening Faculty

Emiliana Simon-Thomas, PhD

Greater Good Science Center, University of California–Berkeley

Convening Faculty, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Wolf Singer, MD, PhD

Max Planck Institute

Serene Singh

The Serenity Project


Teresa Sivilli

Emory University

Susan Skjei

Authentic Leadership Program, Naropa University

Alea Skwara, PhD

University of California, Davis


Heleen Slagter, PhD

University of Amsterdam

Regina Smith

Naropa University

Sean Smith

University of Toronto

Monique Gray Smith

Royal Roads University

Convening Faculty

Ralph Snyderman, MD

Duke University

Elliot Sober, PhD

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Elizaveta Solomonova, PhD

McGill University


Barbara Ibinarriago Soltero

University of Cardiff

Monika Son, PhD

John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York


Tenzin Sonam, PhD

Emory University


Grace Song

Youngsan University of Seon Studies

Theo Sowa, CBE

African Women's Development Fund

Catherine Spann, PhD

University of Colorado–Boulder


Terje Sparby

Bender Institute of Neuroimaging, Justus Liebig University Giessen

Anne Speckens, PhD

Radboud University, Nijmegen

Kaylee Spencer, PhD

University of Wisconsin - River Falls

Michael Spezio, PhD

California Institute of Technology

Grantee, Reviewer

David Spiegel, MD

Stanford University

Meena Srinivasan

Transformative Educational Leadership

Convening Faculty, Planning Committee Member

Sarah Ssali, PhD

Makerere University (Uganda)


Micheline St-Hilaire

Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba

Patricia St. Onge

Seven Generations Consulting and Coaching

Susan Stabile

University of St. Thomas School of Law

Elizabeth Stafford

Administrative Associate, Mind & Life Institute

Rosalyn Stagg

Director of Advancement, Mind & Life Institute

Ryan Stagg

Director of Digital Strategy, Mind & Life Institute

Elizabeth Stanley

Georgetown University

Phillip Stanley

Naropa University

Steven Stanley, BSc, PhD

Cardiff University

Ervin Staub, PhD

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Alison Staudinger, PhD

University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Aaron Stern

Academy for the Love of Learning

Board Member

Esther M. Sternberg, MD

McGill University

Erik Storlie, PhD

University of Minnesota Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing

Charles Strain

DePaul University

Daniel Stuart, PhD

University of South Carolina

Genji Sugamura, PhD

Kansai University

Sharon Suh

Seattle University

Shufang Sun

Brown University


Eli Susman

University of California, Berkeley


Jasmine Syedullah, PhD

Vassar College

Convening Faculty, Fellow

Katarina Tabi, PhD

University of British Columbia (Canada)


Ed Taylor, PhD

University of Washington

Planning Committee Member, Research and Programs Council Chair, Research and Programs Council Member

Véronique Taylor, PhD

Brown University


John Teasdale, PhD

Cambridge University

Meredith Terry

Duke University

Eric Thibodeau, PhD

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


Evan Thompson, PhD

University of British Columbia

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Ariana Thompson-Lastad, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

Jennifer Thomson, BMedSci, PhD, MRCSLT

The University of Sheffield

Robert Thurman, PhD

Columbia University

Rémi Thériault

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Canada


Tawni Tidwell, PhD, TMD

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Hilary Tindle

Harvard Medical School

Jessica Tipsord

University of Oregon

Camila Tirado

Virginia Commonwealth University


My Ngoc To

University of Denver


Elisa Torres, PhD

University of Mississippi Medical Center


Gabriela Torres Platas

Northwestern University


Kathy Trang, PhD

Harvard School of Public Health


Fynn-Mathis Trautwein

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

John Tresch, PhD

University of Pennsylvania

Bhikshuni Trinlae

Practical Theology, Claremont School of Theology

Allison Troy, PhD

Franklin & Marshall College


Erin Tully, PhD

Georgia State University


Mridul Upadhyay

Youth for Peace International


David Vago, PhD

Vanderbilt University

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Vivian Valentin, PhD

Mindful Heart Programs & Kind Mind


Adam Valerio

Temple University

Martijn van Beek, PhD

Aarhus University, Denmark


Nicholas Van Dam, PhD

University of Melbourne, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Shawn Van Valkenburgh

Sunrise Movement, University of California Santa Barbara

Francisco J. Varela, PhD

Mind & Life Institute

Amy Cohen Varela

Mind & Life Europe

Alicia Vasquez

Pacific University


Eduardo Velasquez

Washington and Lee University

Paul Verhaeghen, PhD

Georgia Institute of Technology


Martin Vitorino, PhD

Courage of Care

Convening Faculty

David Voelker, PhD

University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Nora Volkow

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Marieke van Vugt, PhD

University of Groningen (Netherlands)

Grantee, Reviewer

Johann-Justus Wachs

McGill University


Martin Wagner


William Waldron, PhD

Middlebury College

Phil Walker

Creative Content Producer, Mind & Life Institute

Piyal Walpola

Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Heath Program, University of Toronto

Ishan Walpola

McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute

Erin Walsh, PhD

University of Kentucky


Michelle Walsh

University of Virginia


Christine Wamsler, PhD

Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS)

Convening Faculty

William Wannynn, PhD

McGill University

Larry Ward

Executive director of The Lotus Institute

Convening Faculty

Nancy Waring, PhD

Mindfulness Studies Program, Lesley University


Michael Warren, PhD

University of British Colombia


Spring Washam

Communities Rizing, East Bay Meditation Center

Hamet Watt

Upfront Ventures

Justin Watts

The Pennsylvania State University

Robert Waxler

University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Peter Wayne, PhD

Harvard Medical School

Convening Faculty, Fellow

Jennifer Webb, PhD

University of North Carolina-Charlotte


Wendy Weber, ND, PhD, MPH

National Institutes of Health

Elke Weber, PhD

Princeton University

Convening Faculty

Krista Weih

Director of Grants & Events, Mind & Life Institute

Jay Rinsen Weik

University of Toledo

Radhule Weininger, MD, PhD

Mindful Heart Programs

Kris Weller

Gettysburg College

Courtney Wells, PhD, MSW

University of Wisconsin - River Falls

Helen Weng, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Cecilia Westbrook

Carnegie Mellon University

Laura White

William F. Connell School of Nursing, Boston College

Kyle Whyte, PhD

University of Michigan

Convening Faculty

Heather Jaskirat Wild

Oregon Health and Sciences University, School of Medicine

Autumn Wiley

University of Arizona

Patrick Williams

Claremont Graduate University

Roman Williams

Fetzer Institute

Anna-Leila Williams

Yale University

Jonah Willihnganz

LifeWorks Program in Integrative Education, Stanford University

Angela Wilson

Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health

Christine Wilson-Mendenhall, PhD

Center for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fellow, Grantee, Reviewer

Nathan Wirth


Cheryl Woods Giscombe, PhD

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Carol Worthman, PhD

Emory University


Mary Wright, PhD

University of Wisconsin - River Falls

Yikai Xu (徐毅凯)

New York University

Xiaodan (Diane) Yan, PhD

Massachusetts General Hospital


Larry Yang

Spirit Rock

Tom Yarnall

Columbia University

Darya Zabelina, PhD

University of Arkansas


Arthur Zajonc, PhD

Mind & Life Institute

Anthony Zanesco, PhD

University of California–Davis

Grantee, Reviewer

Fadel Zeidan, PhD

University of California San Diego

Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Planning Committee Member, Research and Programs Council Member, Reviewer

Phil Zelazo, PhD

University of Minnesota

Convening Faculty, Planning Committee Member, Reviewer

Kristin Zernicke, PhD, R. Psych

University of Calgary


Noga Zerubavel, PhD

Duke University

Almut Zieher

Yale University

Grantee, Reviewer

Kristen Zimmerman

Movement Strategy Center

Zoltan Dienes, PhD

University of Sussex

Xiaoye Zuo

University of Toronto
