Crystal Fleming is a renowned scholar whose research focuses on the ways in which individuals of African descent conceptualize and respond to racial oppression across various national contexts. Her influential work includes the book “Resurrecting Slavery: Racial Legacies and White Supremacy in France” (Temple University Press, 2017), which applies critical race theory to advance our understanding of racism in France and Europe. This book draws on ethnographic data, archival research, and in-depth interviews with French activists and descendants of slaves to explore how social actors construct racial temporality through collective memories and commemorations of enslavement and abolition.
Fleming’s second book, “How to Be Less Stupid About Race: On Racism, White Supremacy, and the Racial Divide” (Beacon Press, 2018), combines public sociology, memoir, critical race theory, and satire to debunk common misconceptions about racism.
In her current research projects, Crystal Fleming extends her work on racism and anti-racism by further investigating the dynamics of global white supremacy and anti-blackness in both France and the United States. She also explores the intersection of spirituality, racial temporality, and intersectionality by examining the experiences of non-white minorities with mindfulness and contemplative practices.
Find out more about her here