Fujita is professor emeritus of Kyoto University and former professor at the Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability and former chair of the Department of the History of Japanese Philosophy at Kyoto University. He received doctoral degrees from Bochum University and Kyoto University, and is author of Philosophie und Religion beim jungen Hegel; Gendai shisō toshite no Nishida Kitarō [Nishida Kitarō as a Modern Thinker]; Nishida Kitarō: Ikiru koto to tetsugaku [Nishida Kitarō: Being Alive and Philosophy]; Nishida Kitarō no shisaku sekai [Nishida Kitarō’s World of Thought]; and Tetsugaku no hinto [Hints of Philosophy]. Fujita edited Tanabe Hajime tetsugaku sen [Selected Works of Tanabe Hajime’s Philosophy] and, with Kosaka Kunitsugu, the new edition of Nishida Kitarō zenshū [Complete Works of Nishida Kitarō]. His other edited volumes include Nihon kindai shisō wo manabu hito no tame ni [For Students of Modern Japanese Thought]; Kyōto gakuha no tetsugaku [The Philosophy of the Kyoto School]; Higashiajia to tetsugaku [East Asia and Philosophy]; Shisō-kan no taiwa: Higashi ajia ni okeru tetsugaku no juyō to tenkai [Dialogue between Ways of Thinking: The Reception and Development of Philosophy in East Asia].