Patricia St. Onge is founder and partner at Seven Generations Consulting and Coaching. Supporting individuals, organizations, and communities in increasing their capacity for fullness and effectiveness, she believes that much of the wisdom necessary to solve a dilemma rests within those experiencing the challenge. She has worked to support the progressive social justice movements all of her adult life, and has served as executive and interim director of more than a dozen nonprofit organizations. She is a member of Native Americans in Philanthropy and Common Counsel Foundation, a trustee of funders for LGBTQ issues, and core faculty at the Chaplaincy Institute for Interfaith Studies. Her work is deeply rooted in the concept of Seven Generations, where we honor the generations who have come before us, and are mindful of those yet to come and how the impact of our decisions will last for seven generations. Lead author of Embracing Cultural Competency: A Roadmap for Nonprofit Capacity Builders, she holds a bachelor’s degree in human services and a master’s of divinity. Of Haudenosaunee (Mohawk) and Quebecoise descent, she is an activist and member of an indigenous grandmothers’ circle. She and her life partner have 10 grown children and six grandchildren.