Sheryl Petty, EdD, is a principal associate at the Annenberg Institute for School
Reform at Brown University, a national educational equity and systems change consultant, and an associate consultant with Movement Strategy Center (Oakland, California) and Management Assistance Group (Washington, D.C.). She is lead designer for the Transforming Education Systems Alliance (TESA), which focuses on promoting aligned approaches to democratic education across sectors including policy, practice, community organizing, educator preparation and development, research, messaging, framing and communications, capacity building, standards and curriculum, and assessment. A fellow at Stanford University’s Center for Opportunity Policy in Education, she served as executive director of California Tomorrow — a research, advocacy, and training nonprofit specializing in strategies that foster equity and inclusion across the pre-kindergarten to community college (preK-14) spectrum, and managed the equity and community engagement approaches at the Stupski Foundation. She holds a bachelor of arts in mathematics, a master’s in systematic and philosophical theology, and a doctorate of education in educational leadership and change. Her expertise includes equity-driven change process facilitation, strategic visioning and analysis, coaching, and fostering collaborative relationships for the improvement of our collective life.