“Education of the Heart”: New Mind & Life Digital Dialogue Spotlights Role of Education in Human Flourishing

Today’s children are growing up at a time of unprecedented change and escalating challenges. How can we best equip them with the social-emotional skills and ethical dispositions needed to manage complex emotions, build positive relationships, and assume active roles within their local and global communities? A new Mind & Life Institute digital dialogue, “Education of the Heart,” offers rich …

New Mind & Life Podcast to Tell Deeper Story of Contemplative Science

In April, the new Mind & Life podcast will make its debut. Neuroscientist, meditator, and Mind & Life Science Director Wendy Hasenkamp will host the show, engaging experts across a range of disciplines in deepening our understanding of the mind and contemplative practice. Guests will share their research and insights, while probing broader issues: What are the …

2020 President’s Letter

Dear Friends, I’m looking out the picture window, taking in the remarkable aliveness of trees and wildlife that is present here, even in winter. I feel a connection to the land, to the people who’ve come before, and to those who will come after. I am reflecting on our connections to one another and on …

Fellow Spotlight: Norm Farb

In this month’s Fellow Spotlight we are pleased to share the work of Norman Farb, Associate Professor of Psychology and Principal Investigator of the Regulatory and Affective Dynamics Laboratory at the University of Toronto Mississauga.  Norm studies the social neuroscience of the self and human emotion, with a focus on how biases in self-representation shape emotions to determine …

PEACE Grant Named in Honor of Samuel B. Hanser

Since 2017, the Mind & Life Institute’s PEACE grants program has funded projects to support research on interdisciplinary approaches for investigating wholesome qualities related to Prosociality, Empathy, Altruism, Compassion and Ethics (PEACE). Mind & Life is especially interested in research proposals that relate to interconnection or societal issues of othering and disconnection with implications for mental health and well-being.  We …

Toward a Whole World Ethic: The Role of Conscious Evolution

This is the second of two blog posts describing recent Mind & Life Conversations with the Dalai Lama and prominent thought leaders on the topic of “Compassion, Interconnection, and Transformation.” Photos by Phil Walker and Tenzin Choejor. At a time of sweeping change and daunting global challenges, what’s needed is a whole world ethic to unite …