Facing the Climate Crisis through Connection, Community, and Compassion

The existential threat of climate change can be challenging to grasp and confront. To stay motivated and energized to face this threat, we must develop skills and take time for our own well-being. “We have to acknowledge that what happens to us internally affects what happens to our communities,” says climate activist Dekila Chungyalpa, “and …

Listening to Our Body’s Intelligence: Reflections from Mind & Life’s Summer Research Institute

Mind & Life periodically invites guest writers to contribute their perspectives and experiences on the blog as a way of deepening dialogue and understanding around key themes related to our mission. This post is adapted from a longer piece Megan published reflecting on her experience at our 2021 Summer Research Institute. “Storytellers have only three …

Planting Seeds for a New Research Field: Lessons from the Early Days of Mind & Life

The first Mind & Life Dialogue with the Dalai Lama took place in Dharamsala, India in October 1987 on the theme of Buddhism and the cognitive sciences. Five scientists gathered with His Holiness in what was described as a ‘living room conversation.’ For seven days, they explored topics ranging from cognitive psychology, perception, memory, and …

Mind & Life Announces New Digital Library Initiative and Contemplative Action Grants

In the lead up to our 35th anniversary in 2022, Mind & Life is pleased to announce two exciting new initiatives designed to curate valuable wisdom gleaned from our past and support grassroots efforts to drive forward social change grounded in contemplative research and practice. Both initiatives build on Mind & Life’s work at the …