Data on the state of mental health in the world today paints a stark reality. According to a recent survey, 75% of young people globally feel the future is frightening in the face of climate change, and as a result of the Covid pandemic, an estimated 129 million more people have experienced anxiety and depression …
Perspective Type Archives:
Stepping Back to Reflect: Mind & Life Leadership Explores Racial Histories
In her book “Mindful of Race,” author, educator, and meditation teacher Ruth King writes, “When we begin to notice the constellations instead of just the stars, we can see the patterns of harm toward aboriginal and native people, dark bodies, and immigrants.” “These struggles interconnect,” she adds. To create more compassionate communities, ”we all must …
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How One Global Company is Using Mindfulness — and a new Mind & Life Film — to Nurture Compassion and Connection
How might an understanding of conscious evolution and the African philosophy of ubuntu help nurture open dialogue, teamwork, and leadership skills within a fast-paced corporate culture? In September, employees at the pharmaceutical giant Novartis had the chance to find out when roughly 400 team members around the globe attended online screenings of the Mind & …
Embracing Humility and Complexity: Our Journey to Engage in Anti-Racist Practices
Lao Tzu famously said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Four years ago, we took that step at Mind & Life with a commitment to engage in anti-racist practices. It has been a humbling journey of deep reflection and meaningful transformation, along with missteps along the way. Today, I am …
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Transformative Social and Emotional Learning as a Catalyst for Climate Action
There’s a saying in the climate movement that to change everything will take everyone. In my work as an educational leader of color dedicated to transforming school communities through Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), I believe it’s imperative that schools ultimately position SEL in service of a shift in collective consciousness.
Grant Jones: Showing Up Fully Through Music and Mindfulness
“Music is my first spiritual practice,” says Grant Jones, a musician, activist, contemplative researcher, and the newest member of Mind & Life’s Steering Council. And while the overlap between his music and meditation started as a slow crescendo, now the connection is more explicit. His new collection of songs, “Constellations,” recently released on Spotify, touches …
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6 Days, 28 Speakers, 1 Powerful Message: The Climate Crisis, It’s a Relationship Problem
Even the best-intentioned efforts to stem the climate crisis often fail to address root causes; namely, our disconnection from one another and the earth. Could solutions to this and other climate-related challenges lie within the human mind? More than 900 scholars, scientists, contemplatives, students, and activists from 30+ countries convened online for Mind & Life’s …
On the Dalai Lama’s Birthday, a New Film Calls Us to Embrace Our Shared Humanity
To celebrate the Dalai Lama’s birthday on July 6th, Mind & Life is pleased to announce the release of a new film, “Evolution of the Heart.” The film pays tribute to the Dalai Lama’s lifelong spirit of inquiry and values he has long championed: compassion, forgiveness, cooperation, altruism, and kindness. The documentary chronicles profound conversations …
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Mind & Life Honors Robert W. Roeser with Annual Service Award
“We have to understand the families of knowledge that we can bring to bear on today’s complex challenges,” says Mind & Life Steering Council member Robert W. Roeser, who has served as co-creator, facilitator, and presenter at numerous Mind & Life events, and as a key advisor on initiatives such as the Education of the …
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Mind & Life Summit Explores Role of Emotions in Personal and Collective Flourishing
Could transforming our mental states create a better world? This audacious proposition lay at the heart of the Science & Wisdom of Emotions Summit presented by Mind & Life and The Awake Network Foundation on May 2-5. Reflecting growing interest in the cultivation of emotional well-being, more than 100,000 people in 140 countries gathered for …