Consider the amazing life of Catherine Kerr, who began her career as an historian, was retrained as a neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School, and went on to present scientific research on neurophysiology to the Dalai Lama. For those who knew Cathy, this capacity for transformation through focused purpose was just one of her remarkable qualities. …
How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves PURCHASE NOW How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves by Sharon Begley (Ballantine Books) ISBN-10: 0345479890 ISBN-13: 978-0345479891 Is it really possible to change the structure and function of the brain, and in so doing, alter how we think and …
A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama on the Healing Power of Meditation PURCHASE NOW By Jon Kabat-Zinn and Richard Davidson with Zara Houshmand (New Harbinger Publications) ISBN-10: 1572249684 ISBN-13: 978-1572249684 By inviting the Dalai Lama and leading researchers in medicine, psychology, and neuroscience to join in conversation, the Mind & Life Institute set the …
A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama PURCHASE NOW by Daniel Goleman (Bantam Doubleday Dell) ISBN: 978-0-553-38105-4 In May 2001, in a laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, a Tibetan Buddhist monk donned a cap studded with hundreds of sensors that were connected to a state-of-the-art EEG, a brain-scanning device capable of recording changes in …
PURCHASE NOW Edited by Zara Houshmand, Robert B. Livingston, and B. Alan Wallace (Snow Lion Publications) ISBN: 9781559391276 This book addresses some of the most fundamental and troublesome questions that have driven a wedge between the realms of Western science and religion for centuries. Is the mind nothing more than an ephemeral side effect of …
The Mind & Life Summer Research Institute at Garrison The Mind & Life Institute continues the tradition of hosting its signature program, the annual Mind & Life Summer Research Institute (MLSRI) at the Garrison Institute every year in mid-June. Over the course of a week, a community coalesces. In a rich and intimate retreat-like setting, …
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XXX: Perception, Concepts, and Self” on December 15, 2015. Examining the Perception of Body Sensations: Correlating Aspects of Perceptual Processes with Mind, Self, and Basic PhysiologySPEAKER: Catherine Kerr Recent scientific findings suggest that perception of body sensations, such as a lump in the throat or a …
Neuroscientist, philosopher, and Mind and Life co-founder Francisco Varela (1946-2001) believed that contemplative training offers modern science novel methods for investigating the depth of human experience. In his vision, contemplative training such as meditation not only provides a new domain for scientific study, but it also offers resources for advancing scientific models of consciousness, emotion, …
In my own experience with meditation, I’ve often wondered about the difference between reading a thoughtful analysis or set of instructions, listening to an inspiring teacher, and sitting on the cushion to practice. These varied activities represent different ways of integrating information into our minds and bodies—in short, different ways of learning. Is one mode …