A preview of Evan Thompson’s new book, Waking, Dreaming, Being: Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy
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Concurrent Session 4 – Teaching Mindfulness-Based Training in High-Stress Contexts
This presentation will present research about Mindfulness-Based Mind FitnessTraining (MMFT®) within the context of modifying mindfulness-based training for environments characterized by extreme or prolonged stress and deployment to combat and others in highstress occupations, it will examine how mindfulness training can be integrated with an understanding of the role of the autonomic nervous system in …
Roshi Joan Halifax
A pioneer in compassion-based medicine on death, dying, and our health care system
Summit in the Field
Four Scholars Reflect on the State of Contemplative Studies
Nine Meditations from SRI 2013
Summer Research Institute 2013
Model Behavior
A new study asks: Does meditation make us more compassionate?
The Peril and Promise of Selflessness
A psychologist explores the path into depression or anatta
Grey Matters: Examining Subjective Experience
Mind & Life’s resident neuroscientist on the past, present, and future of neurophenomenology.
The Care Proposition
Can a Greater Emphasis on Compassion Change Education?
The Craving Cycle
A former addict turned neuroscientist, Marc Lewis describes what happens in the brain when addiction sets in, and how Buddhist psychology helps explain it.