Fear is essentially isolating, separating us from our inner wisdom and from the world around us. Trust invites us to experience the vast, creative and compassionate territory of our minds and hearts. Three traditions of enlightenment and healing help us to understand the dynamics of fear and trust. Relational psychotherapy suggests that the seeds of trust and fear are planted in the history of our personal relationships. Zen Buddhism suggests that a solid sense of a separate (and fear-filled) self arises from our attachments and aversions. Christian contemplatives understand Jesus’ call to “Fear not” as an encouragement to experience Divine Presence, the unseen source of basic trust. In this breakout session, I will explore how these three perspectives can be integrated on a path of healing and liberation.

Robert A. Jonas
The Empty Bell
Robert A. Jonas, MTS, EdD, founded The Empty Bell (emptybell.org) in 1993 as a sanctuary for Buddhist-Christian dialogue. Trained as a psychotherapist, he is now a retreat leader, video artist, … MORE