In the Kabbalah tradition, the human body is understood to be a microcosm of the totality. As such, coming into deeper contact with our flesh is seen to be the primary vehicle through which we experience the living presence that animates all of reality. In this session, we will explore an ancient technique of sensing into our embodied experience in a manner that can open up in our experience into what is referred to in the tradition as the “body of light”, which is the living presence body which is at once also an intimate expression of the cosmic totality. The contemplative function of this practice includes integrating our perception into our somatic sense receptors and harmonizing our personal experience of the physical body with the spaciousness of being.

Zvi Ish-Shalom, PhD
Kedumah Institute, Naropa University
Zvi Ish-Shalom, Ph.D., is an associate professor of wisdom traditions at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and is the guiding teacher and founder of the Kedumah Institute. An ordained rabbi … MORE