In the past 15 years, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) has achieved broad appeal and effectiveness for depressive and anxiety disorders. This presentation will trace the personal and scientific milestones behind MBCT’s development, including initial failures and subsequent revisions of the approach in advance of controlled evaluation. It will also highlight advances in MBCT dissemination achieved through an enhanced technology interface that can address the largest obstacle faced by people interested in this form of care, namely limited access. MBCT, and the metacognitive view of the relationship between symptoms and mind states that informs this work, offers a paradigm by which mindfulness and other contemplative practices can come to represent a vital inner dimension of personalized medicine.

Zindel Segal, PhD
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member
Zindel Segal, PhD is Distinguished Professor of Psychology in Mood Disorders at the University of Toronto Scarborough. He pioneered the use of mindfulness meditation for promoting wellness in the area … MORE