Research on contemplative practices and contemplation-based interventions has grown exponentially in recent years, and many outstanding studies and publications have advanced this emerging field with their excellence. Of the various pathways to success in research, one of the most promising focuses on the notion of transdisciplinarity. Conceptualized as an approach that emerges from the interaction of diverse disciplines, transdisciplinarity offers a means to integrate multiple perspectives and methods into an overall research agenda. Such an approach, however, is not without its challenges, yet those same challenges can also lead to opportunities. This talk examines those challenges and opportunities, and it inquires into issues such as the best composition of a research team; the means to generate an emergent transdisciplinary environment; the methods and assumptions that can either inhibit or enhance this approach; and the overall importance of shared interests and goals.

John Dunne, PhD
University of Wisconsin-Madison
John Dunne’s work focuses on Buddhist philosophy and contemplative practice, especially in dialog with Cognitive Science. His publications range from technical works on Buddhist epistemology to broader works on the … MORE