Equanimity is often mistaken for indifference. In fact, equanimity is the very quality that is needed when the stakes are high and you are deeply concerned about the outcome. It allows us to recover perspective and balance in order to see clearly and act with wisdom. Like all contemplative virtues, it can be trained. In this session, Margaret will introduce the concept of equanimity and then lead a guided practice that cultivates equanimity using a range of techniques and prompts.
Carine Gibert will be exploring voice, soundscapes and the transmission of the Earth’s wisdom through her poetry.

Margaret Cullen, PhD
Portland State University
Margaret Cullen is a licensed psychotherapist and was one of the first ten people to become a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher. For over 25 years, she has pioneered … MORE

Carine Gilbert
Grounded in Motion
Carine Gibert is the founder of the interdisciplinary education and sustainability movement, Grounded In Motion. Currently her work focuses on how we engage in new ways of relation building with … MORE