Transdisciplinary training will continue the small group exercises from Part I on Wednesday. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss what emerged during the group activities — including successes and challenges — and receive feedback from workshop leaders.

Clifford Saron, PhD
University of California, Davis
Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member
Clifford Saron is a research scientist at the Center for Mind and Brain and MIND Institute at the University of California, Davis. He received his Ph.D. in neuroscience from the … MORE

Wendy Weber, ND, PhD, MPH
National Institutes of Health
Wendy J. Weber, ND, PhD, MPH, joined NCCIH as a program director in 2009. She oversees NCCIH’s portfolio of health services research, studies of complementary medicine to promote of healthy … MORE

Michael Lifshitz, PhD
Stanford University
I am interested in the plasticity of human consciousness. My research investigates practices that aim to transform subjective experience—from meditation and hypnosis to placebos, prayer, and contemplative therapies. I work … MORE

Elizaveta Solomonova, PhD
McGill University
Elizaveta Solomonova is an interdisciplinary scientist of the mind, working at the intersection of cognitive neuroscience, philosophy and the arts. Her main research interest is the neurophenomenology of conscious experiences … MORE