As the field of contemplative education in higher education enjoys unprecedented growth and more and more faculty across disciplines are integrating contemplative pedagogical practices in their classrooms, it is vital to continue building the relatively new theoretical foundations for the field. This panel brings together five of the most innovative academics who are developing new theoretical foundations for contemplative education: Susan Burggraf (Naropa University), “Contemplative Modes of Inquiry in the Context of Adult Development”; Barry Kroll (Lehigh University), “Contemplative Practice and Argumentation”; Erin McCarthy (St. Lawrence University), “Synergies: Comparative Feminist Philosophy and Contemplative Education”; Harold Roth (Brown University), “No-Person Learning in the Context of Integrative Contemplative Pedagogy (ICP)”; and Judith Simmer-Brown (Naropa University), “Ethical Considerations in Contemplative Teaching.”

Erin McCarthy, PhD
Research Consultant, Mind & Life Institute; St. Lawrence University
Convening Faculty, Fellow, Planning Committee Member
Erin McCarthy (she/her) is a professor, speaker, author, mindfulness coach, philosophical counselor, and parent of twin teenagers. After completing her undergraduate degree in French and Philosophy at Trent University, she … MORE

Harold Roth, PhD
Brown University
Convening Faculty, Fellow, Grantee, Planning Committee Member
Harold D. Roth is Professor of Religious Studies and the Director of the Contemplative Studies Initiative at Brown University. Roth is a specialist in Classical Chinese Religious Thought, Classical Daoism, … MORE

Judith Simmer-Brown, PhD
Naropa University
Convening Faculty
Judith Simmer-Brown, Ph.D., is distinguished professor of contemplative and religious studies at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, where she is a founding faculty member. She is head of the Compassion … MORE