Epiphanies, Tensions, and Horizons: Pathways Forward
In this session, we will reflect on the lessons from the day’s workshops, examine their implications for the fields of contemplative and transformative education, and outline potential pathways forward. We will consider the following questions: How did these conversations impact how we see ourselves and our work? What new areas of focus emerged through these conversations? Are we thinking differently about our respective work as a result of these sessions? Going forward, what are the opportunities for collaboration, creativity, and change? Are there outstanding questions for the education field and beyond? What will be needed to take advantage of these new spaces for collaboration and sustainable change?

Sheryl Petty
Sheryl Petty, EdD, is a principal associate at the Annenberg Institute for SchoolReform at Brown University, a national educational equity and systems change consultant, and an associate consultant with Movement … MORE

Arthur Zajonc, PhD
Mind & Life Institute
Arthur Zajonc is the former President of the Mind & Life Institute. He is also emeritus professor of physics at Amherst College, where he taught from 1978 to 2012, and former director … MORE