From Grassroots Community Building to Generating a Movement: An Investigation of What it Means to Embody Our Vision for Change
As educators, administrators, activists, and movement builders, we are more powerful when we bring our whole selves to our work, see our connectedness to others, and embody the change we seek to create in the world. We will explore strategies for linking personal, collective, and systemic transformation to influence social change. Using personal narrative, experiential activities, reflection, and dialogue, facilitators and participants will explore examples and experiences of what this transformation and change might look like. Participants will learn embodied skills they can take back and apply to their classrooms, organizations, and other contexts to enhance systemic and educational change.

Leslie Booker
Urban Sangha
Leslie Booker is the founder of Urban Sangha Project, a collective that supportsthe sustainability of frontline change makers through mindful yoga, meditation, and dialogue. She is a senior teacher and … MORE

Kristen Zimmerman
Movement Strategy Center
Kristen Zimmerman is a senior fellow at the Movement Strategy Center. She was drawn to the Center for its spirit of innovation and the opportunity to bring bold, audacious ideas … MORE