The education of the world’s children is an essential enterprise for any society. This session will examine and deepen our understanding of the vision and work of the mindfulness and social justice movements as they work to reshape education. Together, we will explore places of convergence and difference in our respective views of how educational systems change as we envision a common future for the education of the world’s children. Our dialogue will center around three key questions: Where are we now? Working together, where might we go in 10 to 15 years? What are the opportunities and challenges of working together to reshape education systems so that all learners are prepared to make a contribution to a globalized world?

Janice Jackson
National Equity Project
Janice Jackson, PhD, is a senior associate with the National Equity Project. She is an independent education consultant with a focus on leadership and organizational change in public schools and … MORE

Jerome Murphy
Harvard University
Jerome Murphy, PhD, is the Harold Howe II professor of education at Harvard University, and former dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is a specialist in the … MORE