Mind and currents of sensation in the body are intimately linked. These morning classes will be an exploration of the interweaving threads of form, breathing, and gazing upon which yoga postures are strung together to produce a smooth, rhythmic flow of movement. Learning to release the palate and to follow the patterns of the breath while in a yoga pose or in the movements between yoga poses can have a profound contemplative effect. Observing and gradually balancing asymmetries, in both structure and sensation-emotion-feeling-patterns is achieved in intelligently organized yoga postures so that meditation automatically arises.These morning classes are open to all levels of practitioners. All are welcome and you need not attend everyday unless you want. Please bring your own yoga mat and dress so that you can move without restriction.

Mary Taylor
Mary Taylor began studying yoga in 1971 while earning a degree in psychology. It was not until the early 1980s, when she moved to Boulder, Colorado and started studying yoga with … MORE

Richard Freeman
Richard Freeman began studying yoga in 1968. After nine years in Asia studying yoga asana, Sufism, Sanskrit language, and Indian philosophy he began to work with B.K.S. Iyengar, K. Pattabhi … MORE