Contemplative science begins to unpack the critical elements of caring
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Mind & Life XXIX – Session 4
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind and Life XXIX: Mapping the Mind” on April 12, 2014. Emotional Plasticity: A Healthy SocietySPEAKER: Barry Kerzin Our high-stress busy lives are out of control. Our emotions have gone wild. Anger is on the rise. Jealousy, aggressive competition, and judgmental attitudes feed on anger. Burnout runs rampant. Depression, …
Mind & Life XXIX – Session 3
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind and Life XXIX: Mapping the Mind” on April 12, 2014. Cultural Neuroscience: Connecting Culture, Brain, and GenesSPEAKER: Shinobu Kitayama Cultural neuroscience is an emerging field of research that examines the interdependencies among culture, brain, and genes, with the ultimate goal of elucidating how the mind functions in varying …
Mind & Life XXIX – Session 2
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind and Life XXIX: Mapping the Mind” on April 11, 2014. Cognitive Illusions: A Yogācāra PerspectiveSPEAKER: Jay Garfield We often take for granted that our introspective access to our own cognitive, affective and perceptual states is immediate and veridical, and that reflection on the nature of experience provides data …
Mind & Life XXIX – Session 1
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind and Life XXIX: Mapping the Mind” on April 11, 2014. Remarks by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Mind in Early BuddhismSPEAKER: Yoshiro Imaeda Mind has been one of the subjects to which Buddhism has devoted its utmost attention for the last 25 centuries. In this field, no …
Grey Matters: The BRAIN Initiative & Mapping the Mind
The mysteries of the human brain are hidden in an almost unfathomable array of synaptic connections, cellular activity, neurotransmitters, gene expression patterns, and electrical oscillations. Even deeper than these lay the questions of how such an extraordinarily complex electrochemical system connects to our moment-to-moment experience as human beings: our perceptions, our thoughts, our emotions—what cognitive …
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Can Meditation Change Compassionate Behavior?
Most of us like to think that we’re compassionate people – that, given the opportunity, we’d recognize another’s pain and be moved to help. But in the midst of our daily lives, how compassionate are we, really? And is this something we can change about ourselves? These questions were at the heart of a recent study …
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Mind & Life XXVI – Session 6
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XXVI: Mind, Brain and Matter” on January 22, 2013. Day Six: Future Directions (In Tibetan) The Future of Monastic Science EducationSPEAKERS: Geshe Lhakdor, Geshe Lobsang Tenzin Negi, PhD The Emory-Tibet Science Initiative (ETSI), a collaborative undertaking between Emory University and the Library of Tibetan Works and …
Mind & Life XXVI – Session 5
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XXVI: Mind, Brain and Matter” on January 21, 2013. Day Five: Applications of Contemplative Practice Contemplative Practice in the WorldSPEAKERS: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Sona Dimidjian, PhD, Arthur Zajonc, PhD, Geshe Ngawang Samten As we have seen, scientists are actively studying contemplative practices to understand …
Mind & Life XXVI – Session 4
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XXVI: Mind, Brain and Matter” on January 20, 2013. Day Four: Consciousness Consciousness in Western Science and PhilosophySPEAKERS: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Christof Koch, PhD, Matthieu Ricard, PhD The topic of consciousness is one that humans have wrestled with for centuries. How is consciousness related …