Leading Researchers Dialogue with the Dalai Lama on the Challenge of Rising to Our Better Selves at a Time of Division and Uncertainty

Mind & Life periodically invites guest writers to contribute their perspectives and experiences on the blog as a way of deepening dialogue and understanding around key themes related to our mission. “We live through our mind and mental experiences, and to live well in this world is to have peace of mind,” said His Holiness …

Arthur Zajonc: On Bridging Science and Spirituality and Why That Matters

There are those who draw a line between the faith-based world of spirituality and the empirical nature of science. Not so for Arthur Zajonc. The former Mind & Life President (2012-2015) has spent a lifetime nurturing dialogue and understanding between the two. “It’s important to me that science and spirituality meet each other, that they …

Facing the Climate Crisis through Connection, Community, and Compassion

The existential threat of climate change can be challenging to grasp and confront. To stay motivated and energized to face this threat, we must develop skills and take time for our own well-being. “We have to acknowledge that what happens to us internally affects what happens to our communities,” says climate activist Dekila Chungyalpa, “and …

Connection, Community, and Compassion: Resources for our Emotional Well-being

In honor of Earth Day 2022, Tricycle hosted the Buddhism and Ecology Summit, including a panel in partnership with the Mind & Life Institute. This hour-long conversation on “Connection, Community, and Compassion: Resources for our Emotional Well-being” features climate activist Dekila Chungyalpa, stress scientist Elissa Epel, Buddhist teacher Brother Chân Pháp Dung, and moderator Mind …

Building Bridges: A Mind & Life Origin Story with Adam Engle

In an online conversation held in 2022, Mind & Life Co-founder Adam Engle reflects on the origins of the Mind & Life Institute with Science Director Wendy Hasenkamp. We shared this video as part of our 35th anniversary celebration. View the transcript here.