Pre-Conference Closing Keynote

Epiphanies, Tensions, and Horizons: Pathways Forward In this session, we will reflect on the lessons from the day’s workshops, examine their implications for the fields of contemplative and transformative education, and outline potential pathways forward. We will consider the following questions: How did these conversations impact how we see ourselves and our work? What new …

A Question of Focus

Meditators often feel that their practice aids concentration. But do these subjective reports pan out in daily life?

The Dalai Lama’s Conjecture

A preview of Evan Thompson’s new book, Waking, Dreaming, Being: Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy

Roshi Joan Halifax

A pioneer in compassion-based medicine on death, dying, and our health care system

Model Behavior

A new study asks: Does meditation make us more compassionate?