Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XVIII: Attention, Memory, and Mind” on April 6-10, 2009. Mental Processes Underlying Attention, Visual Perception, and Cognitive ControlSPEAKER: Anne Treisman Attention is a fuzzy concept that we try to capture in a variety of forms to study it in the lab. The main meaning is the …
Topic Archives:
Mind & Life XVIII – Session 1
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XVIII: Attention, Memory, and Mind” on April 6-10, 2009. Multi-tasking, Meditation, and Contemplative PracticeSPEAKER: David Meyer The subjective phenomena commonly experienced by novice and intermediate practitioners during Shamatha meditation and other related types of contemplative practice suggest that they may be understood in terms of theoretical …
Mind & Life XIV – Session 4
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XIV: The Universe in a Single Atom” on April 9-13, 2007. Day Four ConsciousnessSPEAKERS:Wolf SingerRichard DavidsonEvan Thompson Buddhist psychology and philosophy make strong claims about the primary of subjective experience and from this perspective, Buddhist accounts have argued that there are three fundamentally distinct features of …
Mind & Life XIV – Session 3
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XIV: The Universe in a Single Atom” on April 9-13, 2007. Day Three Evolution, Altruism and the Fundamental Nature of Human EmotionSPEAKERS:Ben ShapiroPaul EkmanRichard DavidsonMatthieu Ricard Is evolution driven by random mutation and natural selection? How can the adaptations of species best be understood? Can basic …
Mind & Life XIV – Session 2
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XIV: The Universe in a Single Atom” on April 9-13, 2007. Day Two Cosmology and the Relativity of Space and TimeSPEAKERS: George Greenstein, Arthur Zajonc Two related themes emerge from the Dalai Lama’s writings on cosmology:1) The relativity of time and space as developed within both …
Mind & Life XIV – Session 1
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XIV: The Universe in a Single Atom” on April 9-13, 2007. Day One The Buddhism-Science Collaboration and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge: Exposing the Fracture PointsSPEAKER: Evan Thompson While science has made phenomenal progress in physics, cosmology and neuroscience, the juxtaposition of questions posed by the …
Mind & Life XI – Session 4
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XI: A Public Talk for New England” on September 14, 2003. Integration & Final Reflections From its inception Buddhism has probed the nature of mind, using the mind itself as its instrument of investigation, especially with the aid of refined meditation methods. For the past millennium, …
Mind & Life XI – Session 3
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XI: A Public Talk for New England” on September 14, 2003. Emotion From its inception Buddhism has probed the nature of mind, using the mind itself as its instrument of investigation, especially with the aid of refined meditation methods. For the past millennium, Tibetan Buddhists have …
Mind & Life XI – Session 2
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XI: A Public Talk for New England” on September 14, 2003. Mental Imagery From its inception Buddhism has probed the nature of mind, using the mind itself as its instrument of investigation, especially with the aid of refined meditation methods. For the past millennium, Tibetan Buddhists …
Mind & Life XI – Session 1
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind & Life XI: A Public Talk for New England” on September 14, 2003. Attention & Cognitive Control From its inception Buddhism has probed the nature of mind, using the mind itself as its instrument of investigation, especially with the aid of refined meditation methods. For the past millennium, …