What is Contemplative Research?

Contemplative research is a field bridging academic inquiry with contemplative wisdom traditions to explore the nature of the mind, human flourishing, and the potential for personal and societal transformation. Rooted in disciplines across the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts, contemplative research investigates the roots and contexts of contemplative traditions, and examines the effects of …

A Social Affair: How Meditation Benefits Ripple Through Romantic Relationships

“We are embedded in networks,” says researcher Christopher May of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. One important feature of social networks, he emphasizes, is that things diffuse throughout them: viruses, ideas, and even well-being. Relationships and communities can influence our behaviors and emotions, and can spark a ripple effect that reaches beyond the …

Living into a Story of Care and Compassion at Mind & Life’s 2024 Summer Research Institute

The Mind & Life Summer Research Institute (SRI) is a collective experience in which all members bring their individual experiences together to build a community. This personal reflection, from the 2024 SRI held June 2-8 at the Garrison Institute, is but one perspective of many. Because I am a visual thinker, this piece includes digital …

Why Dialogue Is More Important Than Ever

At a time of unprecedented complexity, deepening polarization, and rapid technological transformation, fostering genuine dialogue has never been more critical. One need only consider the ethical implications today of humanity’s vigorous pursuit of artificial intelligence with its vast potential contributions—and risks. Over 37 years, the Mind & Life Institute has created a model for dialogue …

4 Ways Mindfulness in Nature Can Help Us Heal Ourselves and the Earth

Increasingly, Mind & Life presenters, grantees, and partners are exploring the healing benefits of mindfulness in nature. Below are highlights from this growing area of inquiry. Practicing mindfulness in nature isn’t just about getting outside and experiencing the natural world; it’s about cultivating awareness of our interconnection by immersing ourselves and being fully present to …