2020 President’s Call

Earlier this year Mind & Life completed a strategic visioning and planning process, to guide our expanding work through a lens of interconnection. We also began developing our digital efforts to have wider reach and greater impact on pressing contemporary issues. As such, Mind & Life is primed and eager to show up fully and …


At Mind & Life, we deeply feel today’s suffering during COVID-19. We are also reminded of our interconnection and shared humanity. Here’s a peek into how we are sharing compassion. We invite you to respond with your #MomentsofCompassion here, or on Facebook or Twitter. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=151… Twitter: https://twitter.com/mindandlife/statu… Musicbed SyncID: MB01RLV345LPVPJ

Cultivating a Compassionate and Connected Remote Work Culture

Amid this COVID-19 pandemic, we all find ourselves forced into physical isolation, necessitating what Time aptly called “the world’s largest work-from-home experiment.”  As individuals and organizations, we are navigating this uncharted terrain without a roadmap, or clarity around how long it will last.  How do organizations skillfully move forward at this time of not knowing, while effectively …

“Education of the Heart”: New Mind & Life Digital Dialogue Spotlights Role of Education in Human Flourishing

Today’s children are growing up at a time of unprecedented change and escalating challenges. How can we best equip them with the social-emotional skills and ethical dispositions needed to manage complex emotions, build positive relationships, and assume active roles within their local and global communities? A new Mind & Life Institute digital dialogue, “Education of the Heart,” offers rich …

2020 President’s Letter

Dear Friends, I’m looking out the picture window, taking in the remarkable aliveness of trees and wildlife that is present here, even in winter. I feel a connection to the land, to the people who’ve come before, and to those who will come after. I am reflecting on our connections to one another and on …

Assessing beneficial relationship factors that support contemplative development

There has been considerable research and enthusiasm for investigating how contemplative training might improve social relationships. However, contemplative training is necessarily embedded in a network of social relationships, and researchers have not sufficiently studied the impact of one’s relationships on contemplative practice and development. Furthermore, contemplative training in the modern world is increasingly focused on …

Studying interpersonal physiological attunement in experienced mindfulness practitioners

Cultivation of mindfulness, the nonjudgmental awareness of experiences in the present moment, produces profound beneficial effects on well-being. However, whether and how mindful presence affects one of the most fundamental fields of human prosperity – interpersonal relationships – is largely unknown. Relying on recent methodological advancements in research of interactions, the current proposal aims to …