Mind & Life periodically invites guest writers to contribute their perspectives and experiences on the blog as a way of deepening dialogue and understanding around key themes related to our mission. This post is adapted from a longer piece Megan published reflecting on her experience at our 2021 Summer Research Institute. “Storytellers have only three …
Topic Archives:
Matthieu Ricard – A Meditation on Courageous Compassion
Mind & Life Founding Steward and Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard leads a meditation on courageous compassion, from our 2018 International Symposium for Contemplative Research. We shared this video in 2022 as part of our 35th anniversary celebration.
Gail Parker – A Meditation on Attuned Relationship
Psychologist and certified yoga therapist Gail Parker leads a meditation on attuned relationship, inviting us to reflect on the Joshua tree, from our November 2020 Inspiring Minds episode. We shared this video in 2022 as part of our 35th anniversary celebration.
Building compassion and interconnectedness during a pandemic: Disentangling the immediate, daily, and long-term benefits of brief online loving kindness and concentration meditations
Mindfulness and loving kindness meditations (LKMs) have been linked to greater individual wellbeing, compassion, and lower stress and physiological stress reactions, even demonstrating abilities to buffer the impact of stress. However, the mechanisms underlying those benefits and the critical components of meditation interventions are not well understood. This study examines a brief, online program designed …
Effects and mechanisms of smartphone-based mindfulness training on emotional well-being in at-risk college students
Emotional well-being (EWB) is an important component of mental and physical health that includes both positive emotions and an absence of emotional symptoms (e.g., depressive- and anxiety-related). EWB has declined dramatically among college students, a trend only exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We need to develop solutions that can improve college students’ EWB and can …
Stepping Back to Reflect: Mind & Life Leadership Explores Racial Histories
In her book “Mindful of Race,” author, educator, and meditation teacher Ruth King writes, “When we begin to notice the constellations instead of just the stars, we can see the patterns of harm toward aboriginal and native people, dark bodies, and immigrants.” “These struggles interconnect,” she adds. To create more compassionate communities, ”we all must …
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Gratitude interventions, well-being and social networks: A 16-month longitudinal study
Gratitude interventions, whereby people regularly reflect on and note things they are grateful for, can be effective in improving well-being. When completing gratitude tasks, people often focus on important people in their life. Therefore, this intervention may work by increasing people’s sense of social connection. As such, gratitude interventions have the potential not just to …
Mind & Life Educational Research Network
The Mind & Life Education Research Network (MLERN) was formed in 2006 as a multidisciplinary intellectual forum dedicated to investigating issues at the intersection of the mind, brain, education and contemplative practice. Directed by Dr. Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin, MLERN included a core group of contemplatives and contemplative scholars, neuroscientists, cognitive, developmental …
Pilot Program: Israel
Reason for Interest in C2C There is a dire need in the Israeli educational system for a program addressing the significant burnout rate of teachers as well as the dropout of new teachers (over 25%) within the first years. Furthermore, the steady increase in bullying prevalence and the negative attitudes toward the “other” which are …
Pilot Program: Vietnam
Reason for Interest in C2C Vietnam has a history of struggles for national independence and the Vietnamese people have shown amazing strength and resilience to face and overcome obstacles. After the end of the war, the priority was to rebuild the country and to develop the economy, but the new generation is facing different challenges, …