Contemplative Science Goes to School: Improving the Context for Teaching and Learning in the Elementary School Years Through Contemplative Approaches
Topic Archives:
ISCS 2014 – Keynote Dialogue – His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Science and Society: An Interactive Dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Richard J. Davidson, and Amishi Jha
Keynote Dialogue with His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama
Science and Society: An Interactive Dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Richard J. Davidson, and Amishi Jha This session will involve an interactive dialogue regarding science and society between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and panelists Dr. Richard J. Davidson and Dr. Amishi Jha. The following questions will serve as anchoring themes: As we …
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Pre-Conference Closing Keynote
Epiphanies, Tensions, and Horizons: Pathways Forward In this session, we will reflect on the lessons from the day’s workshops, examine their implications for the fields of contemplative and transformative education, and outline potential pathways forward. We will consider the following questions: How did these conversations impact how we see ourselves and our work? What new …
ISCS 2014 Pre-Conference – Closing Keynote – Sheryl Petty, Arthur Zajonc
Epiphanies, Tensions, and Horizons: Pathways Forward
Pre-Conference Workshop – Mind the Gap: Understanding the Distance Between Contemplative and Transformative Education
What is the distance between the contemplative and transformative movements in education? What are the tensions between them? How do we understand this gap? What can each movement teach us that will guide our vision for a K12 education that serves and supports all children in reaching the highest level of academic learning, and understanding …
Pre-Conference Workshop – Teaching for Radical Transformation
We aim to co-create learning communities in which to explore approaches to infusing transformative education with contemplative practice, with the aim of fostering radical inclusivity and social justice. We believe that practices that support us in turning toward our own positionality, our suffering and the suffering of others (especially based on factors such as race, …
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Pre-Conference Workshop – To Be or Not to Be…That is the Answer: Empowering Underserved Parents to Be Present for Their Children at Home, School, and as a Community Change Agent
The true heart of parenting extends from doing right for one’s own child to looking out for the best interests of all children. It involves understanding what that means and recognizing that the world is not always receptive. This can often be confusing and frustrating for parents. This discussion will emphasize our collective experiences in …
Pre-Conference Workshop – The Awakened Educator: On Contemplative Practice, Applied Research, and Social Transformation in Education
How can we re-envision and reform educational institutions based on our personal and collective aspirations, intentions, and motivations as awakened educators? We will collectively explore issues at the intersection of contemplative practice in education (e.g., mindfulness and compassion), applied research on those practices in school settings, and educational transformation efforts aimed at equity, social justice, …