Meditators often feel that their practice aids concentration. But do these subjective reports pan out in daily life?
Topic Archives:
Concurrent Session 4 – Teaching Mindfulness-Based Training in High-Stress Contexts
This presentation will present research about Mindfulness-Based Mind FitnessTraining (MMFT®) within the context of modifying mindfulness-based training for environments characterized by extreme or prolonged stress and deployment to combat and others in highstress occupations, it will examine how mindfulness training can be integrated with an understanding of the role of the autonomic nervous system in …
Nine Meditations from SRI 2013
Summer Research Institute 2013
Ommm Ex Machina
How does the game change if we get a computer to meditate? Cognitive scientist Marieke van Vugt wants to find out.
Model Behavior
A new study asks: Does meditation make us more compassionate?
Donor Profile – Penny Pilgram George
A Q&A on integrative medicine, business, and moving the culture away from distrust
The Care Proposition
Can a Greater Emphasis on Compassion Change Education?
Longing After Loss
Out Of a great need We are all holding hands And climbing. Not loving is a letting go. Listen, The terrain around here Is Far too Dangerous For That. —Hafiz Falling in love can enliven us. Feeling seen and held can ground us; it can put us at ease. Love can also grant us a …
The Anxiety of Happiness
His life is a pursuit of a pursuit forever.It is the future that creates his present. All is an interminable chain of longing.—Robert Frost I’ve long thought that in this section of his poem, “Escapist–Never,” Robert Frost captures a lot of what contemplative traditions describe as craving, a source of great suffering. Craving is distinguished …
Grey Matters: The BRAIN Initiative & Mapping the Mind
The mysteries of the human brain are hidden in an almost unfathomable array of synaptic connections, cellular activity, neurotransmitters, gene expression patterns, and electrical oscillations. Even deeper than these lay the questions of how such an extraordinarily complex electrochemical system connects to our moment-to-moment experience as human beings: our perceptions, our thoughts, our emotions—what cognitive …
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