Contemplative Science Goes to School: Improving the Context for Teaching and Learning in the Elementary School Years Through Contemplative Approaches
Topic Archives:
Concurrent Session 4 – Teaching Mindfulness-Based Training in High-Stress Contexts
This presentation will present research about Mindfulness-Based Mind FitnessTraining (MMFT®) within the context of modifying mindfulness-based training for environments characterized by extreme or prolonged stress and deployment to combat and others in highstress occupations, it will examine how mindfulness training can be integrated with an understanding of the role of the autonomic nervous system in …
Roshi Joan Halifax
A pioneer in compassion-based medicine on death, dying, and our health care system
Donor Profile – Penny Pilgram George
A Q&A on integrative medicine, business, and moving the culture away from distrust
The Dark Knight
For some, meditation has become more curse than cure. Willoughby Britton wants to know why.
Mind & Life XXV – Part 5
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind and Life XXV: Contemplative Practice and Health: Laboratory Findings and Real World Challenges” on October 20, 2012. Dialogue with His Holiness and Audience Q&ASPEAKER: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Follow-up discussion to Session One. MODERATOR: Anne Harrington INTERPRETER: Thupten Jinpa PANELISTS:Jimmie HollandDavid SpiegelLis Nielsen Participants
Mind & Life XXV – Part 4
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind and Life XXV: Contemplative Practice and Health: Laboratory Findings and Real World Challenges” on October 20, 2012. Session One – The Real World Beyond the Clinic: Strategies for Promoting Lifelong Health and Well-BeingSPEAKER: Lis Nielsen We are standing on the precipice of two major social challenges: For the …
Mind & Life XXV – Part 3
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind and Life XXV: Contemplative Practice and Health: Laboratory Findings and Real World Challenges” on October 20, 2012. Session One – The Real World Tranceformation: Hypnosis, Compassion, and HealthSPEAKER: David Spiegel The observation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama that compassion for others involves taking on suffering, but with …
Mind & Life XXV – Part 2
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind and Life XXV: Contemplative Practice and Health: Laboratory Findings and Real World Challenges” on October 20, 2012. Session One – The Real World Distress as the Sixth Vital Sign: Bridging the Gap Between Clinic and LaboratorySPEAKER: Jimmie Holland Traditional medicine has focused over the centuries on the treatment …
Mind & Life XXV – Part 1
Filmed during Mind & Life Institute’s “Mind and Life XXV: Contemplative Practice and Health: Laboratory Findings and Real World Challenges” on October 20, 2012. IntroductionsSPEAKERS: Alfred Kaszniak, Bruce S. McEwen Welcome on Behalf of the Mind and Life Institute – and Why Are We Here?Welcome on behalf of The Rockefeller University – and Why Am …